Von SpookLuke

37 Gedanken zu „How to Dribble From BEGINNER to ADVANCED | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. I can dribble pretty good but catching the ball properly is a different story xD Can't really bounce dribble yet though. I feel if anyone is able to master dribbling and implement it in game, u should easily be able to get to at least c2 cuz almost no one I see dribbles in c2 and under (in 2s)

  2. It's definitely going to sound funny, but I'm D3 (less than 500hrs in) and still wanted to start on LV1 of this. It's always good to have the basics down. Great content as always, SpookLuke.

  3. I’ve been practicing dribbling for a while now and I’m pretty consistent with catch and carry, but my flicks seem to be lacking. It looks like I have the ball pretty well under control, but when I do my first jump, the ball is popping up too high to hit with my second jump. Is there just a timing issue here or is there more to this?

  4. Sometimes you have some really great insight for me, and sometimes it's things I already know and can do. I'm already in GC so I know it's not tailored for me, but a great video overall. If you're looking to get GC in 1s or 2s, this is a great video and something you should work on. It works in 3s, but not as well since there are more defenders to get past!

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