50 Gedanken zu „How To Defeat Diavolo YBA – Guide“
  1. im so bad i still cant do the boss cause he randomly allways laggs when im about to barrage, tp's behind me when i barage finish and allways goes red right as i use my best abillity
    oh and also hes conviniently murdered me on my last time that i have to do litterly anything 3 times in a row

  2. Diavolo is annoying
    1. U cant even dodge or cancel hes barrage
    2. If he uses the other move its annoying
    3. Use a pilot stand and use the ladder trick like if u use aerosmith its op for u
    4. Dont ever ppl to help u bc giorni npc said: "you will deal with him"
    So yeah thats all the method to kill diavolo

  3. Another way to easily beat diavolo in YBA, get little bomber (the airplane stand) climb the ladder, use pilot, then just make the plane go up and make it attack diavolo until he dies XD (much easier if u max out viola barrage in skill tree).

  4. pro combo: when the red light is not activated and hes not barraging do: Z-Y-T. this combo is pretty useful and does alot of damage. and then press X for bukago then barrage then use the barrage finished then repeat. when ur in the cooldown make sure to stay blocked or u will end up in a bad situation. (only for magicians red btw)
    pinning this will help many people.

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