Von SpookLuke

18 Gedanken zu „How to Deal with a BALL-CHASER…ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. How come you have a better angle when you are facing the wall and he is facing the goal but at an angle? Yea not comfortable angle but can shoot towards the goal and for you is even more uncomfortable because you aren't even facing the goal…

  2. YES thank you nobody talks about this, 2s is all about playing around your tm8 not with him, your tm8 is on the left with possession you go push up and wait for a pass. 2s is about not just reading your opponents but your tm8.

  3. I play a lot of 1v1 and do not have the team sense I should have and random que teammates only seem to get mad and want to ff…why can't they simply let you know what is the better way to play or give tips to help players like me understand?

  4. I'm a diamond that never plays 3s. I decided to get a rank in it at I got paired with some bronzes. I am now hard stuck because I don't know how to play against bronzes that ball chase. What do I do?

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