0:00 – Intro 0:44 – Combustion 2:56 – Meteor und Phoenix Flames 3:37 – Alter Time 4:24 – Dragon’s Breath And Shimmer 6:09 …
© Artikelquelle

E-Sport - Games - New Games - Best Games
0:00 – Intro 0:44 – Combustion 2:56 – Meteor und Phoenix Flames 3:37 – Alter Time 4:24 – Dragon’s Breath And Shimmer 6:09 …
© Artikelquelle
Does anyone know if a hunter's tranq shot can remove combustion or alter time?
With Demo lock.
Monks please…
You guys didn`t teach us how to counter. You just told us how strong they are…
Skillcapped – "How to counter mages?" – Blizzard: "Hold my beer"
How to counter fire mages – you wait for Blizzard to nerf them
what is the UI addon that shows what cool down the player currently has on? you can see it over the enemies head
make one of these for every class !!
I just want to note on purging combust… Yes it works but it's random based on the amount of buffs the mage has and considering mages run the shield legendary which gives them all schools shields(frost, fire and arcane), from the mage alone, you have a 20% chance of even purging combust on your first purge due to arcane intellect and the shields. Not to mention other classes which buff such as a priest or druid decreases those chances… By the time you purge combust without being lucky, your team mate is already dead
Me praying the get nerfed into an unplayable state because fuck mages.
Honestly i'm liking this pvp season more and more & i play resto sham around 2.0-2.2k mmr, was a real struggle was stuck at 1700 for weeks XD
Only comp i feel is so booring to fight against is the F rogue mage priest comp 😛
offensive dispell? xd HOLD on.. 3 shield buffs, intellect buff, priest buff, alter, ect ect UNLESS you want waste all your mana dispelling SURE
I love cloning the combust. Same for wings and other stuff. Clone is just awesome.
Take down this video 😉
what are the addons you use to see their CD and abilities they last used?
This is what i do, Interrupt, give them the slap. None stop advancing on them. Hardly anyone keeps pushing mages in Shadowlands and it throws them off.
However, you need to do this on a class with ok to good self sustain.
Jokes on you bro. I'm a fire mage watching this to see how others will try to counter me ;D
Why the fuck all the hate against fire mage ? they are more OP class and role + FireMage got nerfed… if you dont do other classes soon i'll unsubscribe and report your videos..
how to counter unholy cuz its so op? oh wait lets wait until 9.1 🙂
How dare you post this!!!! Fire Mage FOR LIFE!
you: i think fire mage is so broken.
Boomkin and ret: what? hold my beer
Peeps stop the sub off skill cap is you play a mage, they hate us.
The best way to counter a fire mage is to bring another fire mage.
Insane guide it would be awesome to have one of this for each class
I am playing Paladin Dk Dh. From this video my only option – die
How to counter Firemage —> Bug report Ticket for mage fire