48 Gedanken zu „HOW TO BEAT CENARIUS? Demon Hunter Prologue from Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone“
  1. I don't even want to say how many games I've played and still can't win. No word of a lie, I had him down to 1 health and I was 27 health, but we were both really low on cards (in hand). I had one and he had 0. But he still came back and won. I have never been so mad in my life. I think I might quit hearthstone. Edit * I was so excited I was going to win, but then, I realized what was going to happen. I went and got my son to show him how much god hated me. He couldn't believe I was going to lose with 27 heath and him only with 1. But sure enough taunt after taunt. +8 heals here +8 heals there and that little bugger flipped the darn table…. I'm gonna go try again.

  2. Ok ok wth?? I tried so many times, after watching your vid once I beat his ass and still had 30 hp left!!!! Duuuuude you are one hell of a lucky charm if I read all the comments!! TY!

  3. Spent a couple days on and off trying to get it… yolo it earlier tonight and decide “let me make sure my card that spawns pets after I attack stays up” and got the blades which make me attack continuously after hitting minions. Let’s say after I had a consistent army I was unstoppable.

  4. This is so difficult. But thanks for showing us! I actually got really close until I ran out of cards and his minions killed me. But thanks so much! You are very helpful. I didn't win yet, unfortunately but hopefully i will someday. He is just so unbeatable to me 😂.
    Edit: im subscribing!!

  5. 80% luck of the draw with this premade deck. Only 1 in 5 draws got me that elder satyr. Even if you are amazing at this game, you need to multiply the Satrys and always keep his side empty. He can buff the shit out of all his stuff with like +2 +2 w/taunt, and each one costs 1 mana so he can create 2 or 3 amazing cards w/ taunt in one turn. So apart from Satyr's creation, you need to batter the shit out of his side and control the flow.

  6. Dumbest fucking game i ever saw… wtf is that you need to have change to be able to win ??? this is another level of bad game i try the fight 100 times + and he keep spawning mob with 10+ hp (taunt) + heal every 3 round for 8 to 12 hp .. HOLY GOD thx this is a free game what a waste of time

  7. There is no "way" it's just RNG. If those rush minions don't drop, I think i've had one from 4 games… you're fucked. Metamorphose is now 4 damage not 5 so you can't even kill the big guy… You got so lucky in this game, so it wasn't so much a "How to beat Cenarius" more like "How I beat Cenarius".

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