In diesem Flip-Reset-Tutorial zeige ich drei Möglichkeiten, einen Flip-Reset von einfach bis schwer in Rocket League Join My Discord zu erzielen: …
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In diesem Flip-Reset-Tutorial zeige ich drei Möglichkeiten, einen Flip-Reset von einfach bis schwer in Rocket League Join My Discord zu erzielen: …
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That is helpful to know
What's better, double reset stall or no stall?
You can also hit a flip reset with Airroll left/right or Normal Airroll
But idk in which situations to use with left/right-roll or just the normal airroll
Double reset hard? I can almost do 6 without stalls and 5 with stalls
I always get soo awkward after I get my reset I'm about to practice front flip cancels now tysm 🔥
Can I do it in plat 3?
One tip with double resets is two do a speed flip cancel to spin your car perfectly to get the reset
🔥Awesome tutorial, especially for 2mins you did a really good job breaking down the most annoying obstacles when working on resets💪
… I just wish you had this uploaded before I spent lots of time figuring these things out myself (and losing way too many ranked 1s games in the process, cuz thats where I spend most of the time dedicated to practicing mechanics)
i remembered this guy from his old fortnite tips videos and he’s grown so much wtf
i mean this video would help me if i knew how to do a speed flip on kbm
Can you do some short video like this on “how to correctly launch from the wall during air dribble” Cause I am using normal air roll depending on which wall i am going for, but when you are going for air dribble or some wall mechanic on the right wall, you are still doing like some kind of 360 degree turn with air roll left while launching, could you please make a better explanation in the video
bro….u just cracked the code for me when it comes to the reset musty i could never understand where i was going wrong after the reset into the musty flick BOOST UPWARDS before oh my god u did it
great vid learned a lot
I find it harder to do a single reset with power than double or triple reset lol
Loved the quick tips style of the video even if this mechanic is not something I’m ready for yet. I imagine this is going to help out a ton of people – nicely put together!
Very good explanation, usually people just say how it’s done you explain it nice! 👌
No idea why I'm watching this as I can barely hit flip resets ! I'm just loving you're content man. Keep at it! I'll definitely be coming back this!
Does he still do coaching i need help with arl
Do a road to ssl 1v1 and then 2v2 then 3v3
Just hit GC with about 300 hours in the game so far and your videos have really been helping me improve so I might check out this coaching program. Good stuff man
I’m tybabys friend that said didn’t ask
Wait didn't quite get the speed flip part at 3)
Ur sobad
Not me being here just to watching videos knowing I’m never going to use these tips for 3 years
for the flip reset musty, if you're having trouble getting power, I recommend trying to boost while doing the flip. it will add power if you do it right
i’m champ 3- GC 1 and score at least one flipper every day, but i’m trying to get to GC2. Does anyone on Xbox that is chill, wholesome and wants to have fun playing some RL hitting clips want to party up with me? i’m 28 and all my friends are wifed up lol
Level Freestyle: Penta reset chained breezi double tap
hopefully you''ll see this after several months haha but got a lil question. What sensitivity do you recommend cause I have actually no clue. Rn I got 1.30 but it feels kinda slow but don't know if higher would help with the flip resets.