39 Gedanken zu „How To ABUSE The MOST BROKEN PvP Trinket In PvP!“
  1. i think "the most tricky" instead of "most broken" trinket will be better tittle because most of the time people who use this trinket, they die because of the 1hp moment as u show in the awc clip…

  2. "Bm trinket is overpowered" Just got hit by a 26k hunt today from a dh, i mean… if you say so allmighty skill capped (also i'm at 31% vers and 38k hp, guy overkilled me for 3k when he did it)

  3. As a frost DK with my burst is on a 1 minute CD, Wouldnt the on use 1 min CD trinket be better for me anyway? BM trinket is good for more consistant pressure but im not getting a kill outside of pillar anyway. Right?

  4. Videos like this are sadly what blizzard listens to… This trinkrt is just fine exactly like it is. Even eith this trinket people still die very easily. This trinket is good. Its no where near OP at all. People use the term OP too much for things that clearly are not OP. Convoke is something that is "OP" even POST "nerf" i have still seen it wipe entire rbg groups. Or how about the ret pally smacking you for 20k+ hp every global? THAT is "OP." This trinket is no where near that level, and never will be. This trinket is "good" not "OP."

    ADDITIONALLY, the reason you lost roughly 5% when you took that trinket off is because of the versitility loss.

  5. I think this trinket is overrated. It's generally good trinket for sure, which makes this universally good I guess, but if you're playing a comp where u stun combo + cleave enemies down, badge and insignia are better choices, cus dmg is insane anyway. But of course if your comp fails, battlemaster is better in the long term. Soooooooooooo, idk.

  6. Decent video, but it would be nice if a fair comparison is made. A large part of the video is incomplete info biased towards the BM trinket. For example, the "Mainstat is better than secondary stat" comment is correct, but you ignore the fact that secondary stat PvP trinkets have more total stat on them. 5% more healing/dmg done is nice, but you negate the fact that the like 3% haste for example does that too while reducing GCD, cast time for interrupts etc. You don't add that classis with a very clear 1 minute "Go-window" (Kyrian Balance Druids and Frost DK's to name 2) benefit heavily from the on use damage steroid the ferocity trinket provides. There's also no mention of how this trinket only aids yourself while the other trinkets, for example as a healer, benefit your teammates as well by transferring extra healing to them. It's valuable info but it just feels like an incomplete comparison.

  7. against ret palas you're in kill range below 90% 😀 warriors can do 20k hits aswell sometimes on every global. I'm actually more suprised convoke didn't do 200k damage. the mage should have died there if the druid got lucky 😀

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