47 Gedanken zu „How I got Champ in Rocket League 2v2 Ranked“
  1. Lucian you should try to dodge diagonally more your car seems to be kind of stiff which makes the gameplay seem lower rank and that goes for most of your movements which are certainly inefficient.
    Your game sense l think is what carried you to C1 most likely.
    I would suggest that you watch higher level gameplay and tutorials that teach car mechanics. Right now you might be able to win here and there or even win most games but once you reach c3 and above you will most likely not be able to win with just game sense.
    Thank you for posting two of my favourite games 🙂.
    Oh and camera settings might need a little tuning.

  2. Yeah don’t hold out too much rocket league from us Lucian there is an audience that enjoys galactic car blitzball. Never be afraid to try something different every now and then

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