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Treten Sie unserem Discord-Server bei: â–» Holen Sie sich die BEWERTUNG, die Sie sich schon immer gewĂĽnscht haben: …
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Darrowshire Vanilla WoW is releasing 30th July with patch progression, updated pvp system with no honor decay, no world buffs in raids, zero tolerance for botting and much more. 4000+ discord members
Using an @targettarget macro for judgements of the pure simply wont work. You have to intentionally throw the judgements at the target that applied the necessary-to-cleanse debuff
I need a destro warlock version of this!!
Assa rogue pls
woah! was that THE Banwell? Heard that guy was a great guy
Thanks for the guide!
Screenshot of Arcane Torrent is old or tbc one. It doesn't silence enemies anymore.
So which class is the best arena partner for 2v2?
what would be the best comp to push 2S?
Thank god they made paladins able to handle the shackles trinket now … that was our Kryptonite I swear… now paladin doesn’t feel as weak and I don’t feel bad about maining one again.
Best comp with holy pal ?
Thank you, my English is bad but I understood everything, I think
youtube de mrd me muestra el titulo en español entro y es una guia de mrd en ingles
We need this as well for RBG pls 🙂
You rock
Which Legendary do you think will do more DAMAGE? "The Mad Paragon" or "Vanguard's Momentum" overall in Keys? Also, how do you wear a RET Legendary as Holy Paladin? (Vanguard's Momentum) … Is the damage between these two Legendries close or does one do way more damage than the other? Because if "The Mad Paradon" does a lot more damage, then maybe that would be better for Tanking, RET and playing around with Holy Paladin … What do you think?
What about venthyr hpals?
8:56 Royal Decree is for protection paladins only. Holy paladins don't have Guardian of Ancient Kings. I can't believe you made that mistake.
I main rshaman. The game play is so smooth, fun, and I feel like a beast. I got my hpally to 60 last night, bought all the vers gear I could and jumped into some arena games and holy crap… it’s awful. I feel so squishy, I know I am not geared, but I go down fast af. Heals aren’t good, not a lot of utility. It’s just awful.
What is shackless? Lol
To bad this spec now ooms instantly..
going to update for 9.1.5?
Swear this is Jeff from American Dad.
WOOOOOOOW thank you man for TALENTS, RACE, Covenant and every another useless information no one needs. Thanks VERY much for nothing!