1. Really impressive romhack, especially if it was actually made in one day. The only problem is it has the same horrible ending as the original smb3, then all the sudden dialogue became disturbing in response. There are lots of fun level designs and ideas, including my personal favo(u)rite scene of mario falling with the munchers, nice kill shot there Mitch. A respawning mushroom house is actually a decent idea for those who are not top tier gamers, you all being a rare breed. The narrow fish escape was insane, so it is fair that a fireball barely got you later. Frog suit play is underrated and always at least looks entertaining. Going slightly off topic, congratulations on the presumed continued water diet, indeed cleansing. This vid also makes me want to munch (pun) on some fries 🍟 Overall very good creative work 🐸

  2. Hey Mitch, thanks for the content, about your question at the beginning of world 8, if you can use the boss balls in a level, the answer is yes, there is a hack that lakitu throws them, if im not mistaken, is smb3 robo hack!

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