In diesem Rocket League-Tutorial erklĂ€re ich, WARUM Sie mechanisch werden mĂŒssen, um aufzusteigen, und WIE Sie dies so schnell wie möglich tun können.
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In diesem Rocket League-Tutorial erklĂ€re ich, WARUM Sie mechanisch werden mĂŒssen, um aufzusteigen, und WIE Sie dies so schnell wie möglich tun können.
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I want to get better so I clicked regardless. But very selfishly, Iâm desperate for champ1 in 3v3 but your thumbnail is so cringe if hurts dude. CC really gotta do something else
Im not mechanical im poop but i just got champ 1 with less then 50 hours of play time
So⊠i shouldnt be using air roll on the left joystick?
It is actually insane how good people have gotten even in just the past year. I've been between D3 – C2 in 2s and 3s for the past two years, and the skill level has risen tremendously. What I used to see happen in GC (on YouTube) last year, is now happening in my D3 games.
the one thing console players hate: âmake sure to do your workshop maps and warmupsâ âdo your dribbling mapsâ @check out this cool new workshop map that helped me get to sslâ
âAverage power slide time per game is like one of the closest approximations of rank in rocket leagueâ
My C3 tm8s giving up and doing donuts after going down one goal in the first 30 seconds: âI must be SSLâ
How do I download the ring maps if Iâm on epic and donât have steam to get the workshops maps
Tbh if you only train game sense youâre probably gonna stop at Diamond 3unless you have gc level smartness then youâll stop at c2 because there is no way in hell youâre going any higher then that unless youâre a gc3-ssl
Thank you for this vid. I'm tired of hearing "Game sense/positioning > mechanics." that's very easy for a mechanical master to say. but, for someone who can't dribble, flip, or air roll properly, it's clearly a bogus statement. Why do youtube creators push the idea that STRATEGY is better than mechanics? Because it's quicker/easier to teach/learn theory rather than application. it's a sales strategy. "Watch my vids, apply my strategy, and you'll be better IMMEDIATELY. but in the pursuit of more views, they have pushed a big lie. you can know everything there is to know about construction, but if you don't know how to swing a hammer, you are never going to build a house. Thank you for highlighting the importance of mechanics.
Me, a diamond 3 who can't air dribble to save his life…But my positioning and defense is on point…Also, if the ball is on the ground, I'll dust your ankles.
So I'm more of a defensive and ground player. Can I go up for an arial duel, or hit goals from the air? Sure, but I'm not carrying the fucking ball on my hood while pirouetting in the air and making a passing play and double tapping off the wall while flip resetting.
Oh, thank god i've been powersliding since a wee little RL player
I love Luke's content, but does anyone know some good videos for ppl stuck in C1đ
how did you get that air roll map
I have a feeling this video is going to make a lot of Plats and Diamonds practice mechanics they donât need to work on just yet. You can be GC1 easily by just rotating properly and hitting the ball hard.
Flakes never said you donât need mechanics to reach top ranks he said that players tend to use them wrong
Flakes never said you donât need mechanics to reach top ranks he said that players tend to use them wrong
Honestly training powerslide / recoveries is the hardest thing to do imo. With air roll it's easy to train but go into freeplay and actually efficiently train that. Good luck. Still no clue how to really train that.
I think flakes philosophy was never about mechanics being unnecessary. It was about high level mechanics not being necessary if you have high level basic mechanics and gamesense.
I rose to champ level a few months after just starting the game, trying to learn game sense as fast as possible through watching coachings on youtube. It's not been multiple seasons since I've gained a division. I lack tools to do basically anything. I've learned how to defend some mecs from playing, but learning these for my own attack arsenal is taking so long
I made it to champ with awful mechanics, lost both games in champ and have never been back in like 6 months
Hi guys, im a few games off gc1 (1380 peak 2s Xbox), and I want to learn directional air roll. Do I need to change boost from b to rb? And if so, is this reasonable to do?
Might be a hot take but I think if you are gold then u should already have an air roll bind, speed flips and half flips are almost to good for getting out of the lower ranks fast
I honestly donât know how I got champ 2 and all I can do is air dribble and wave dash
How are people supposed to play with regular air roll and directional air roll? On top of that, I watched squishy's video, and he's literally holding down X,A,B,LB,+LS and saying shit like "See it's simple." And shit like that makes me want to punch that nerd directly in the mouth. And my anger management counselor tells me to stop letting dweebs on the internet get under my skin, essentially saying that squishy gets no bitches.
I'm champ 2 in 2s and diamond 1-2 in 2s and when I go for a dribble play I often go for fakes or flicks and not just the one
hay spook love the vids and the intro is by far the best part of the vid for me easily 10000/10
I stuck since 4 month but even if I try to learn air roll is so hard. I cant even fly straight forward with it đ€Ł. My car is moving in every direction I dont want
how much is Your training?
this is alot of vedios that meaning you good in rocket leage
idk y. but i really luv his intro lol
i am by all mean not mechanical. But I rotate well. And I am Champion division 3 i think. But I need to get mechanical đ
Wait u gc3 ssl?
It sucks for people who arenât willing to spend thousands of dollars for a game
man i dont have time to train these mechanics ill just stay in plat like fr the hours it takes to get like pros is ridiculous
Will they ever put rings on console đ
what are those decals
I can't wait to grind 1s because I'm doing a challenge with a friend and this video helped a lot thanks spook Luke!
This is bad cause I struggle so much mechanically, it takes forever for me to learn anything.
I have good game sense and rotations, but I lack so much mechanically it screws me up
Iâd say one thing thatâd help me the most is perfect recoveryâs, i be flipping like a fish when landing so often