20 Gedanken zu „Genshin Impact URTEIL nach 100 STUNDEN GESPIELT! – Review, Tipps und Tricks und beste Charaktere!“
  1. When one has kids, there's no time for a game like this. And I've heard that you reach a ceiling at some point in which you have to roll for their version of lootboxes. And in their opening week, they made over 250 million dollars, so it's kinda safe to say they don't need our support anymore for a long time.

  2. Agree, I spent 35 dollars in the game so far (2x Battle Passes and 3x Monthly Passes), those are the only things worth spend money on, I have 4x 5 star characters and all 4 star characters except Xinyan, I have over 18k primogems saved for future banners and I finished Abyss Floor 12 already, yeah, whaling is definitely unnecessary in this game.

  3. Don't mess with genshin impact guys. Day 1 player here company does not
    give a good god damn about its player base. Its a really high potential
    game in the early portions of play but once you reach end game there is
    absolutely nothing to do trust me.The prices for everything are insane and through the roof
    And all the company does it keep releasing new characters and temporary in game events. You log in once a
    day for 35 mins and have nothing else to do until the broke ass stamina
    system refills 24 hours later. Many of us are starved for content and
    have since moved on. They want your money for bare minimum of nothing in
    content for endgame when you should be enjoying the game the most you
    get absolutely nothing. The spiral abyss was a dps check that didnt take
    long to power creep over nothing engaging with any purpose to even
    continue to grind your chars. Its slow its barren and empty and the
    company won't even acknoledge the thousands of us who are crying out
    with consnstructive critism about the lack of endgame. They give you
    nothing period. Avoid it.

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