20 Gedanken zu „FROST DEATH KNIGHT 9.1 PvP Guide | Best Race, Talents, Covenant, Soulbinds, Conduits, Gear & Macros“
  1. Frost dk pvp in 9.1 is doggshid compare to monks ret paladin arms warrior dh rogue feral all of them hit 20 k + damage . Frost dk hit 7 – 9 k max hitting with my 2 hand noodle weapon. Blizzard if you read this remove chillstreak and buff obilrate 300 % . Its so stupid why my chillstreak damage is my top damage abiltie and a pvp talent . So 1 slot is always taken by chillstreak

  2. Spellwarden talent is currently bugged and you can use it as a 4th PvP talent if you bug it out
    edit: also on the macro part, I believe its better to have on use str trinket in the line before pillar of frost. In other words Flat increase before % increase for more value

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