Von Flats

26 Gedanken zu „Flats shows that good mechanics can only take you so far (Vod Review)“
  1. Besides needing to be better at sleeps I also need help with positioning as well these are my biggest issues with ana and with bap it's just not knowing how his heals ark 100 percent

  2. I know this is an older video, but I recently picked up OW2 and have become addicted to your content.

    I just learn so many little things on literally every single video I watch – on how to play the characters myself, what to watch out for when playing against them, and even what to be aware of with certain characters on my own team. Not even talking about general mechanical advice that applies to anyone and everyone. You just do such a great job on explaining things, instead of acting like all this stuff goes without saying. So many situations where I'd be like, "I am getting my ass kicked, and I know it's my fault but I do not know what to do about it." And you've made a lot of them clear as crystal.

    I wish more people did what you did, but I can't seem to find them. Just watching a video or two of yours every day, I went from initially ranked Silver 4 to now Gold 4 in just two weeks. So thank you very much.

  3. So when is it okay to stop pushing the cart? I usually only step off as support when we're in advantageous fights…
    Otherwise i just continue to push it for as long as I can when people are in my line of sight. Are you saying we should be able to just step off to fight THEN push it?

    Genuine question because I've always done it this way since OW1. (ik this is an old video, so you prob won't see this…)
    I'm a Plat-Diamond support player who plays Mercy, Moira, Kiriko, and Ana ocassionally.
    I want to be able to climb in the future since I feel like my mechanics are alright, I need more work and review from people more aware than myself. c':

  4. @49:00 The height advantage has a hidden 3rd effect that not many people realize.

    If you are up high (like the HD representation on the screen) it also cuts what the enemies see of you when you head peak them.

    If you perfectly walk forward to the ledge, far enough that you can see the entire enemy (head to toe). From the enemies point of view they will only be able to see your head… Maybe your neck…

    So you have the added advantage of being able to shoot at their entire body while they can only shoot at a third of yours.

  5. Just thought I'd add this comment. If there's an enemy on high ground and you're playing zen, don't discord and then shoot. As soon as they're discorded they SHOULD be walking back/to cover. So by the time ur able to shoot them you can't, and you're better off shooting them without placing discord

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