17 Gedanken zu „FERAL DRUID WOTLK GUIDE | Best Race, Talents, Glyphs, Gear, Professions & Macros“
  1. HOW DOES SKILLCAPPED ALWAYS KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I NEED!? After a month I decided tonight to turn my Druid into a pvp char as well and BAM!!!!
    Last wek Death Knight Counter video, freshly uploaded when I craved it. Man some day I'm gonna pay for your shit^^ Already been hyping your vids in League.
    And BIG props to your video editors, the vids are always VERY pleasant to watch with very modern animations and clear presentation.
    You guys rly are doing the Lord's work, God bless y'all 🙂 Now I'll go lose some games at 1k vs a bunch of DK'S! LET'S DO THIS! 😛

  2. Didn't show what gems to use. Shame :/ For example the gloves show 2 yellow gems yet the socket is blue? so you just say no to the socket bonus 4 crit in favor of 2 resil gems? or is one of them a hit gem??? Ah so irritating.

  3. Feral does have it's own stealth bar… (Edit, if you're using the default wow UI I guess it doesn't have a stealth bar. Do yourself a favor and get Bartender4 or some other action bar addon. I stopped using the default UI over 15 years ago so I didn't realize BT4 even provided this functionality)

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