Von SpookLuke

44 Gedanken zu „EVERY Rocket League Player Suffers From THIS | ROCKET LEAGUE“
  1. Thank you for the tips im trying to grow on YouTube and pursue RL this will help me even though I dont get any views or like hopefully this will help me make videos on ranking thank you so much.

  2. Soon, they will have to start putting disclaimers at the start and end saying something like :
    ´´Performed and executed by professionals only´´ or ´´Do not attempt at home if below this rank!´´.

  3. i'm in D2 and i still can't do air dribble but i ain't sad about that bcs i am praticing more the all around things such as defences, block, passes etc.. be good at the basics and you will eventually rank up i think.

  4. I've listened to your advice alot and really made progress. I rarely use my air roll right binding still not used to it. I see the potential with it as far as control goes but it's frustrating trying to rewire my Brain. Cant teach an old gamer new tricks. Idk

  5. Now I'm stepping into c3 Territory in 2s and 3s(Oceania region), it has become very apparent that these types of goals are either rare to score and/or they are in a casual lobby/smurfing games.

    Simply shadowing these players make the goals much easier to save, unless they have a savvy bumper.

  6. Yes practice centering, normal saves, rotations and kick offs that will take you up to diamond
    Past diamond I personally think you need mechanics like dribbling and air dribbling more
    And once you get good at that add things like resets, Musty flicks, psychos, etc. 😂 for some reason people think they’re magically gonna be good at hitting the ball when they have training mode for a reason lol

  7. i have shit mechanics and
    hit champ twice, when u see those freestyle clips it makes me wanna learn them, ppl who play this game comp don’t have fun bc i don’t have fun in comp, it’s to sweaty and it’s not worth it, if you like freestyling just do that, like i said i have shit mechanics but i still attempt maktuf resets and shit and i’m not hitting all of em but i’m having fun

  8. This is very true, i spent many many hours practicing freestyle mechanics because i thought thats what i needed, but i was very wrong. In fact I’ve been ranking down because of it. Im currently D2

  9. I thought when I was in free play that when all your wheels touch the ball at the same time you get a reset. Apparently I’m wrong. And that’s the reason I’m not pro

  10. Yo I watched most of ur videos today and I went on ranked and I did a REAL redirect😅😅😅 thanks for all ur help even if it has nothing to do with a redirect u still helped with a lot of stuff❤❤

  11. A tip for the low ranked pc player, instead of training to air dribble or whatever dumb things y’all do nowadays, do an air ring map. It’s the best way to learn aerial control in my opinion.

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