Champions der Allianz versammelt. Tränke vorbereitet, Buffs sind da. Wir sind bereit, Zul’Gurub zu testen! Blizzard hat das WoW rausgebracht…
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Champions der Allianz versammelt. Tränke vorbereitet, Buffs sind da. Wir sind bereit, Zul’Gurub zu testen! Blizzard hat das WoW rausgebracht…
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Blizzard put out the WoW Classic PTR recently where people from any server can transfer their characters to and do testing of some upcoming content and do current content as well. Super excited to be able to do viewer runs with people from any server! Remember to like the video if you liked it, and you can watch me stream WoW Classic or any other game at!
Big shoutout to @Gorthax for editing another great video! Check him out on Twitter @gorthax
Its a catch up raid.
Asmongold 10:10 " I just needed some time off" 4 months is not time off that is a dedicated life change at that point lol
Lol you can't test difficulty if like everybody is flasked wtf.
You should walk in place as you stream would help your health a ton
imagine saying "frick" as an adult
thunderfury and hand of rag? Blizz giving streamers the good drops I see. Meanwhile, we get our 500th shitty rag cloak
that powder goes thru the nose man , not the mouth ….
Which wow u are playing and server?
super zg ultimate mythic ultra super gamer mode +50
esfand gets upset at people for doing things he wants to do..
perfect example: the people mining for arcane crystals
i still love esfand though… just an observation
your mustache looks disgusting
I LOVED the fact that Asmon tried to ninja any mounts 😀
Chrommagus, my guild did it first time with 35 people and we were expecting a wipe, it turned out it was way easier than expected and we were all laughing, Nef on the other hand was a bit more expected.
lol, TF on a Paladin, what the crap
Video is a bit overedited, chill down with the effects please!
Esfand you are one of the 2 pallys i respect besides me as you really know the class. So i have a request plz make a bug submission on classic. Proc items like lifestealing enchant, frost oil, shadow oil, elementals dec and etc (spell based damage) dont get sp bonus, when melee procs like decapitation and fatal wounds get armor pene bonus and armor debuf. Blizz needs to fix it and hybrids will become realy good.
Mr. Zack Rawr seems like a normal human when he is not streaming
what a joke ZG XD thats why i quit playing on the first place after t1 😀
Asmond is lying he didn't do hakkar
No corrupted blood to mess around with on the test realm?
imagine playine this game for 15+ years
also why do they trash "weebs" like anime is taboo?
Dude… Was that powder lemonade mix? 🤪
What a bitch trying to ninja out of the 20 people that helped, it’s one thing to do it if it’s a 4 man mount run but that’s just pussy school shooter no friends type shit
Asmo is such an dick. He needs loot and Ninja everything to get a boner