Von Bridger

48 Gedanken zu „Endless Space 2 New Player's Guide – Part 1“
  1. good guide, helped A LOT to figure wth is going on in my 1 game
    also: owns a system with 5 anomalies – takes +20 industry building instead +5 science per person 😀

  2. As a new player I am having one hell of a time trying to expand I seem to ALWAYS have a neighbor by me that expands instantly on 3 worlds and I can't fight them off their planet cuz the AI throws 90 ships out some how at like turn 15

  3. It's years on now… but I would suggest you consider your use of the word "race", around the 44:28 point. Using that word confused the crap out of me until I realized what you were saying was "it's a competition". Another point is when you say things like "this box over here". Quite often your pointer is not visible, there's no way of knowing what "box" you are talking about. May I suggest when you edit the video you add highlights to the area you are speaking about? Or use text on the display plus approximate location to get our eyes "there". Keep in mind we're all new to the interface so it can be a challenge. I can already tell I'll be relying heavily on this series of videos so let me tell you it's very good and appreciated, even four years after.

  4. Endless Legends was beyond the pale? Seems like an odd statement to make given the meaning of that phrase. You were offended by the tactical battles in Endless Legends on a morality or social acceptability level?

  5. This has to be the best game guide I have ever watched! I bought this game for like 6 months ago but after struggling with the mechanics I just left it. Now I am ready to hit the stars again. Thanks to you!

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