42 Gedanken zu „EASIEST to HARDEST Classes to Play in Wrath Classic! WOTLK PvP TIER LIST“
  1. depends on season, 1st season DKs were so OP like never ever they will further if u have a bit of brain it would be ez glad, as well as arcane mages! Hardest class to play were really rogues – 1 mistake & u are far behind. Just remembered that humans were OP with stealth detect & engeneering was woring at arena that was a huge impact at mobility & stealth detect with that glasses! 🙂 WOTLK was actual back in 2007 now there are more interesting 0.7sec kill mechanics in Shadowlands where game bacame much harder, love retro but not going 2 return in WOTLK it mostly for ppl who nwver played it! Heh warriors really needed skill with stances that times…thx for reminding it with this vid

  2. I don't agree with the skill floor of Ele being low. First, they have a ton of different abilities to bind, and practically everything has some niche use. This is especially true for totems, where you will want different keybinds not just for your abilities that can drop multiple, but also keybinds for individual totems. You will mix and match depending on what you are facing, and constantly having to manage them on top of everything else you are doing.

    How you use your abilities is completely different from PvE and in a 1v1 you'll find yourself using things like Lightning Shield against melee or using Magma Totem to help damage a Rogue while you are stunned and then using Fire Nova since he will eat you quicker than you can eat your mana so you might as well. You will be dropping specific resistance totems depending on what school of magic an enemy caster uses. It makes me think of a fighting game where you have to learn your matchups well (there is a lot of knowledge required for the skill floor). I've seen people take entirely different approaches to deal with something tough like an Unholy DK, which is fascinating.

    It requires fake casting, and you won't have the chance to just turret spells.. you have to set up situations in which you can get burst in. There are multiple abilities for keeping distance, and which one you use at a given time matters. Shocks share a CD so using one locks you out of the other for a few seconds. You can do practically everything at any given time and knowing when to heal, damage, purge, drop a totem isn't really intuitive for new players… plus some of it can be matchup specific. Positioning is really important and you don't have a huge defensive CD like other classes do. It isn't very forgiving if you make a mistake. There is a lot to the spec, and while it could be argued a lot of this is related to the skill ceiling I would argue that nailing much of this is necessary to be effective… meaning a higher skill floor. Just my opinion but I've had better luck as a beginner with most of the "difficult ranged" than I did trying to learn how to play Ele.

  3. Rogue is not hard, just fanboys. Oh man how could anyones brain comprehend all the instant cc of cheap shot, kidney shot, sap, blind, gouge, disarm, garrote silence, shadow step kick.

    Basically a class that is chalk full of instant cc that is undispellable, instant cast, and no cooldown.

    Easy class, most overrated class when it comes to gauging skill.

  4. bm hunter want to have fun just team with an enhancement shaman or another bm hunter in 2's and train them down🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    you will either win fast or die fast🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. I’m so new to wow. Do you guys think playing DK as my first class ever would be difficult ? You start at level 55 so there’s a huge content jump I’m assuming. Also any tips or tricks to help me get started would be greatly appreciated.

  6. Ferals never get a good explanation on why they are good in any tier list/hard, even for PVE. I assume it’s bc of how little people actually play the class. They’re warriors, rogue, and healers combined in one, and are the most mobile class in the game. Difficult part is knowing which gcd to press in every situation you’re in out of all of them that you have.

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