37 Gedanken zu „Easiest Classes To Get Gladiator With LFG | TIER LIST“
  1. As much as I love anything pvp and your videos are usually S tier quality 😉 I have to disagree here. I was spamming LFG arenas for a while and was hardstuck just below 2k and hated it. Ppl with legit rage issues, guys who get damn near suicidal under pressure, inredible amount of egoistic, toxic ppl. I hated the game for almost a month. But then I found the least likely partner of absolutely incompatible class with a great personality and we skyrocketed to almost 2,7k in three weeks together. Arenas are just different when u play with normal ppl that let u learn from your mistakes and vice versa. Just dont let toxic LFG ruin your game.

  2. This is the video I was looking for , now I have clear what I want o play, my only comment is about warriors, I play a warrior only LFG and there's no single arena that I dont get trained (stunt, disarm, frozen(I dont the name of the thousand traps from dh, etc), so maybe I can negate a lot of damage from my team mates but if they just hit like monkeys with poor gear I died all the times and its not fun at all, specially if you find 40k locks,, priests and shamans under 1k cr.

    Thx for the video

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