30 Gedanken zu „EA is JUICING Bundesliga TOTS!?“
  1. Packed Benzema toty, other than that I’ve not had a single pull that was a fodder card, ea been woeful with the pack weight this year it’s hard to stay motivated for promos now, love the vids tho need the market more than ever so I can get good players

  2. Need a much better upgrades grind. If they just drop those 8 player packs for every league and nothing else, that’s gonna really disengage me from the game. I saved loads of packs and I just cannot bring myself to dump commons in gold upgrade packs to get 2 players. I want a shot at getting the other league tots cards too. Gimme some players picks EA, or at worst the 3-player league specific upgrade packs that require commons.

  3. Nate, love the content and appreciate all the insight. Thought about investing in Ricken when you said it yesterday but correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe the extra chem boost won't matter because most people are building for Bundesliga Cup and it's One League? Let me know your thoughts!

  4. Maybe someone here can help me out of bed. I took about four and a half months off of the game and just came back. When is Serie A team of the season starting?

  5. Bored of the game at this point tbh. Just rinse and repeat. Players are OP now esp Kane tots who scores with 99.9 percent shots. Same old goals just dead now

  6. Hey Nate, for the level 20 Rewards if taking the efgis pick, given my main team is ligue 1, would it be better to wait until that league is released or is it better to take it now before things are further watered down. I know there's no for-sure answer but what are your thoughts?

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