41 Gedanken zu „Dragonflight KEYBINDINGS guide in 4 EASY steps“
  1. It still makes me doubt myself that i managed to hit 18k cr in shuffle preety smoothly but im still bearly 12k in 2v2 pugging with many many games…
    Very good tips tho! Really enjoying warrior this season.

  2. Hi there. I push in pvp. I have a DH. Damn, I didn't look up the piority of the stats. All my stuff is Hastes and I just realized that I need Mastery. Can I do something about this? Or can I start farming the stuff from the beginning? Thanks for the answers 🙂

  3. What about people who play WASD and have a 16+ button mouse. All my keybinds are on my mouse. But since SL and DF are so button mashy and high APM my hand and wrist kill me playing most classes.

  4. after 2 years brake you cant remember the binds you had from memory just by putting everything on the bars and binds. but when you start playing and you need to interrupt you are gonna remember where the bind should be 🙂

  5. I am trying not to incorporate allllll the key binds at once. Mastering your rotation, positioning, and use of cds will boost your rating with the primary and most important “S” key binds within reach.

  6. Why on earth would you use your left hand to move AND cast spells?? That is so deconstructive. I only move with my mouse and use my left hand for the spells, also using the alt and command keys. I also use the middle button on the mouse and the left two buttons on the mouse. I use the mouse wheel button for instant spells like slows, scrolling forward. Very convenient. I don’t have to worry about moving my left hand to move the character. A bit silly imo. To jump, I use the space key (conveniently right next to the alt key). While I hit the space bar, I turn 180 degrees freely with my mouse to look around or cast spells. I’ve done this since vanilla and it works great for me. Jmo

  7. nice video

    just some quick notes

    1. adjust action bar layouts and size. most important cooldowns like Evasion, or Avenging wrath you should see without even looking, so place them front-center and maybe increase size so you always know when and if it is available. Abilities without CD like Mutilate or Arcane blast can be in the botom corner, 1mm x 1mm in size for all you care because they are always available.

    2. if using mouse with aditional buttons like Razor Naga, adjust the shape of the action bar to match the shape of the layout on your mouse. My mouse has 4 rows in 3 lines, so if I adjust the action bar to it`s shape, i know what to press just by looking at it.
    This is really for the begginers, maybe for starting an alt, or if you just bought new mouse with new layout, …..before you just memorise what is where.

    3. if making layout for new class, or maybe coming from different MMO, put similar abilities on keybinds you are used to. For instance i have Kick on "R" key, when i play paladin I put Rebuke on "R" key, when on Mage i put counterspell on "R" key…… and so on. "R" has been my kick button since tBC when i transitioned from beeing a noob and stoped mouseclicking my action bar and now my brain is hardwired to using it without thinking about it

  8. I don't know if this is mostly for pvp, since I'm never in pvp, so I don't know if that's where it's most used.
    But know that I'm almost always at the top of dps and don't use a single keybind.
    Uses arrow keys to move me and the mouse to click on abilities.
    And funnily enough I'm always the fastest (first) to move out of trash on the ground (in pve)
    Now we don't have to make the game what it is, actually no need for all that keybind and 200 add'ons so the whole screen is plastered full so you can't see anything

  9. I bought a Corsair Scimitar elite and I keybinded my 1-9 skills to numblock 1-9 but in game all I see is num…. For all skills. Is there anyway to change these to N1 N2 N3 like that so I can see what the heck I'm doing? I'm new and just started playing.

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