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Treten Sie unserem Discord-Server bei: ▻ Holen Sie sich die BEWERTUNG, die Sie sich schon immer gewünscht haben: …
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I enjoyed the Window of Opportunity 😄 highly educational video, much needed <3
"Your offensive pushes aren't necessarily meant to win the game immediately" laughs in low mmr ret paladin
Just watching these videos I have went from barely a 1400 player to now being rated 1872. Mind you I play on a 6 year old laptop as well. I will try to get a good legit gaming computer by the time next expansion hits. I would love nothing more than to become a legit gladiator level of skill.
Best video this channel has produced yet! This is arena at all levels. Another problem I find with LFG players is communication and managing expectations when playing with new ppl maybe you could talk about that soon! Thanks for the great content Big!
Love your videos, keep up the good work!
The advice at the beginning of the video was truly game changing!
My God, I love “the window of opportunity” part ❤️😂
Thanks again !
Does anyone know, if a dk is popping off with slappy hands, and I duel him as a sub rogue. Would that cancel out slappy hands on my teammates?
You don't need to bring your opponents hp to zero, you can do more damage than them and time the arena out or just annoy them to the point to getting them to /afk out lol 😀
OMG! This is EXACTLY the kind of information I've been looking for since I started WoW pvp. Kill targets, CD-trading and win conditions have been by far the most difficult thing for me to understand. Actually… I guess I have just been banging my head against the wall and wondering why brute force doesn't work.
Thank you =) And I'm sure it's still going to take a long time to really be able to implement the tactics in the middle of a battle. It's hard even with pause. ) But, I think I managed to at least break my barrier of despair while watching this video. Now I believe I could actually learn to attempt the right thing, if I just watch enough videos and practice. Still have to learn the abilities of other classes, but now I understand why the order in which you push the buttons actually matters.
Yo I have never played WoW, I play League and Valorant sometimes to "cool off", but I still am watching this Video at 6am and I am hooked
Finally broke 2k last week. First season on Shaman. Playing Resto and picked it up mid season. SC has helped so much changing roles and improving our rating. Thank you.
I hate fast path meta with os
9:18 guys, whats the name of this addon? (own team cooldowns)
might be arguing semantics but 1 min challenge: 3 kidneys and kidney is a 20 sec cd… You have set us up to fail. I guess I'll have to sub to skill capped to figure out how to reduce the CD of my kidney…
Great vid! Which addon shows the cds that the enemy pops at the right side of the bar? Looks really clean.
Curious what nameplate debuff addon the warrior is using @ 16:32.
step1: play a broken class
step2: tunnel whatever u want, they gonna die eventually anyways
Is kyrian arms still bis for 2v2 or
How put bigdebuff in the side of target's nameplate ?
its shadowlands man, kill taregtt is the poor bastard who doesn't have duelist gear at 1500
window of opportunityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
wow UI is shit lmao
What is that add on that shows the enemy hp bars stacked to the right with their available CDs shown above their respective hp bars?
The only cd trading I've been doing is trying to bait trink with a fear before stunning with axe toss from demon. Other then that just trying not to cast into immunity defensive lol 😆 I need a way to see what CDs my opponents have
This is art of war
Im alsways in awe looking at sweaty pvpers screens. its like the subaru down the street with 700000 bumper stickers
What addons r those to see debuff on enemies? i need them
ok but he still has bop bm shield that was an overlap
Great guide but it kinda doesnt help the new players at all. Like even if i have all the addons i need to be able to see enemies CDs… i still have no idea what other classes CDs do or how they are called or how the icon of that CD look, i dont even know what offensive CDs i should avoid. I dont have any alts, i play only one class.. and im hard stuck at 1440-1580(with full conquest gear +set peaces bonus) for four days now.. Any tips how to cross this wall? :p