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Vollständiges VOD hier ▻ Fühlen Sie sich frei, mich auf Twitch für Livestreams zu besuchen …
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Editing isn't really my forte, so I'm sorry if there is any weird audio balancing issues. It's something I'm slowly trying to get better at. Just bear with me a bit. Also, sorry for the delay on this. I had to re-render and reupload it like twice due to issues and copyright claims. Hopefully you still find the video enjoyable though 🙂
Thanks for 7k as well. Feels like just a week ago I hit 2k <3
Babe wake up Luc1 posted
I love how you start the boss music back up when fighting the stone imp at 23:47
Your so good at the game man, and you put so much effort into videos. you 100 percent deserve more subs
If you have the time, I'd recommend trying out elden ring reforged. It changes weapon scalings, restores cut boss attacks, adds in a new "class system", and adds several new difficulties, including a sekiro like one focusing on the new deflection mechanic. Also its compatible (i think) with randomizer.
Funny… your first randomizer, the one not involving equipping weapons you find, mohg was taking morgott’s place in stormveil castle, and here, morgott is taking mohg’s place in the audience grounds.
Mohgs music is absolutely amazing
Subscribed. You are a great youtuber
you're insane, never stop never stopping
Great video. Really want to join your streams!
i miss the dark souls 3 death screams
Watching you pick up the black knife only to immediately have to replace it was painful 😔
Glad to see you finished part 2, i remember whatching the stream keep up the good content!
one, this was super fun to watch i FELT your pain staring at the medallion ncjkndf, two what song is playing at the end bc its so pretty
I love this channel so much. And I must say the ground breaking in Godrick's castle scared me so much for some reason.
The best part of this series is getting to see a bunch of wacky armours that no one would usually wear, or even encounter. Elden Ring really has some peak wacky art design.
awesome run and other vids in general, honestly really glad i stumbled upon your channel, you're a gem! keep up the great work~
Beats malenia almost without getting hit. Yet dies to a guy who does a fat roll? I don’t understand
damn your such a underrated youtuber
Mohg: hey morgs can you keep an eye on my boyfriend for a second, I need to do something
Morgott: yeah sure be there in a second
two hours later
Morgott: Mohgwyn is that our fucking brother
The imp around 23:50 was a amazing part to add that music. W edit