die ZIELEINSTELLUNGEN, die JEDER PRO in MODERN WARFARE 2 verwendet!! Abonniere und klicke auf die Glocke, um KEIN Video zu verpassen!
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die ZIELEINSTELLUNGEN, die JEDER PRO in MODERN WARFARE 2 verwendet!! Abonniere und klicke auf die Glocke, um KEIN Video zu verpassen!
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Yooo thanks for the info and the great video . I'll be trying this with my throwing knifes , any chance you wanna check the video https://youtu.be/Gji0jDQJaPQ
Big fan
This guy is cheating
How the fuck does he have polyatomic on multiple guns already? Nobody in the world has that yet! Unless they’re hacking
Thanks for your hard work try help us Gamers bri i do really appreciate it bro..I've been on dynamic since warzone but now we have black ops too aim Assist definitely fixing try it out for a while see how it does for me on console… they need buff sprint fire speed on some attachments cause definitely needs a buff doesnt seem make it no faster from base weapons
your also pro … player….Apathy….
Unpopular opinion: not jumping every 10 seconds can be pro too
@1:23 this why this game is fucking trash look at all those hit markers at MEDIUM RANGE, in real life get shot that many times at that range with body armor and a helmet you getting chewed up give a fuck what anybody else has to say, dumbass developers can't even balance the guns right and how they're supposed to be 🤣🤣🤣🤣 joke of a game I should've played the Beta I wouldn't of got this piece of shit game if I had
Console bois crying on mouse aim – but got snap on with their aim assists. Lol.
Finally got this game to run smooth and hit my fps cap stable on the newest Nvidia driver. Still crashed once out of 5 sessions of about an hour of gameplay at a time. But i don’t stutter near as much as I’m not getting the flashing textures anymore. Finally starting to smooth out on PC and controller on PC on this game is outrageous I love it. I honestly wish i could turn crossplay off like i used to on MW2019 to piss off the KBM players who complain 24/7. They were always sweaty lobbys but most of the time it was people who turned it off ok accident and had no clue
Are you on pc with a controller?
What’s the sensitivity you use?
All the aim assist settings were tested and black ops is almost identical to the default except black ops had less rotational aim assist. The testing showed the default aim assist type to be the most powerful
It's all based on what server I hit for me, I could go 3 to 4 games with a decent kill ratio and then just hit rock bottom for 5 or 6. It's a very a inconsistent game in my opinion.
This is literally cheating…
You know why Corona zen so stop lieing
I rock linear and 20 sensitivity with normal aim assist and it feels great to me
Aim assists No skills at all.
What is all this jumping around lol
Leenirrr 😂
People who jump and shoot are cancer
I miss games that gave no assists or options to change shooting or gameplay settings.
“Really good players” 2 dudes being ignorant to the fact there teammate died 15 feet to their right LMAO you a comedian
idk if black ops is really that good hard to tell a difference
Focusing seemed like it was the strongest imo
The eyes chico they never lie. We know wat your looking at stop the CAP
Before and after every kill he is looking at another monitor??
And his strikepack obviusly.
I’m still waiting for this OP aim assist you are talking about. I’ve done well in all other CODs for for the life of me I feel I have none. I am using controller on PC, and I’m even using a Turtle Beach Recon with aim pro set at a 4! And I still can’t his.
Also, this game feels like 1st to shoot is the 1st to die.
Pro 😂🤣 you mean lazy no job mf’s
Im 22 should I still try for pro I did for 4 years and almost did it
What platform do you play on for cdl?
If you think he’s looking at another monitor you guys are dumb. He’s legit looking at the radar….
Anyone want to practice with me? Custom games 1v1 style but using all the tips apathy has taught so far
Lachman Sub
Thanks bro. Love it.
Every ytuber saying the same horseshit…if you want to be a pro do this…🤣🤣🤣🤣 guys try to enjoy and make your playstyle with your settings…every gamer have different attributes ,cons and pros stop being mindless copycats and dont enjoy the game…its just a game….do your studies because tomorrow you must be a pro in your job…dont have the delusion that you will make money from be a gamer pro or have a ytube channel….invest on something reliable with future aka profession….
"The eyes chico, they never lie" 👀 this guy doesn't even hide it 🤦🏽♂️
Alright your game play is sus big time playa 🤣
🤣🤣🤣🤣 U Can fool them 🤣 not me pal wall hacking like crazy …these bumasss tubers don't tell yeah that or show there monitors mmmmmm wonder why!!!! Fool Sh*t
Imagine using near aimbot level "aim assistance" and still calling yourself a pro
don’t get me wrong i love this game but the one thing that is keeping me from playing controller is because linear is not proper linear
What controller u use elite 2or scuff
Aim Assist messes me up
Should try it on real players not bots lmao
Why the fuck can I change the aim assist shouldent it be the same for everyone ?
"PRO" with aim assist 🤣