Von Eppy

35 Gedanken zu „DER SPLATOON 3 CASUAL CREATOR Clash“
  1. I have been waiting ever since you posted abt this video and it was totally worth watching every single second!!!! Tournaments are so fun to watch and especially with the Eppy flair, it makes them so much cooler!!!! Loved every second of the video 💛

  2. Shittt I'm canon in the Eppyverse as the guy who's switch died nooooooo 😭😭 and I have disowned my involvement in the DrizzyDrakes that wasn't me it was an impostor

  3. I have motion sickness, too

    But i learned motion controlls in 3 (not in the other two lmao) because i noticed – after never trying it – that – sensitivity does wonders
    I started with -, it was very nice, then i slowly worked upwards

    Never forget, – sensitivity is valid and usable and might make gyro bearable with motion sickness

    speaking from experience, i could NOT play on 0 sensitivity before without feeling sick for 30 minutes after, i now got used to it <3

  4. It was very fun curb-stomping you all! (But in all seriousness awesome video going over probably one of my highlights in my time playing Splatoon, it was SURREAL fighting against and with you all!)

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