26 Gedanken zu „Der PROFITABELSTE Weg, um Slayer l Voidwaker von Grund auf neu zu leveln #3“
  1. Was prepared for an unexpected crossover with FlippingOldSchool when you mentioned the guy in full Runecrafters Gear doing Abyss runs. OSRS Extended Universe is getting crowded with all these great challenge runs going on.

  2. its so weird you have this massive 10 level gap between new weops skilling kind of has a similar problem of being 1 thing thats the best method for 20 30 levels and outclass higher requirement actions so you just have these long boring grinds especially the 80 to 99s as youre usually doing the same thing all the way for sometimes hundreds of hours instead of doing a task for a few levels then moving up to better xp or more fun activities so it feels rewarding to grind for higher level

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