44 Gedanken zu „DEMON HUNTER 9.1 PvP Guide | Best Race, Talents, Covenants, Soulbinds, Conduits, Gear & Macros“
  1. I'm still enjoying my WoW arenas! Appreciate the gameplay and vids! Loved the low ilvl series, along with this one!
    No game is perfectly balanced but these vids help make it feel like there's things I can work on 😎

  2. There was so much info in there and so quickly described. Great info and helpful video but most of that went straight over my head.
    Its like you were explaining Demon Hunter for pro's to pro's who would already know what you were saying.

    I'm a flat out noob so I'd need stats, easier keybinds, spell order etc

  3. /cqs doesnt need to be macrod with single spells they autooverwrite in the sqw for a while now its just for actually wanting to stop action completly and therefor should be put into stopattack stopcasting macros or for doubling like natures swiftness+x or snowball+x(tbc sow exploit) but thats it … telling people to put it into every cc macro does anything that isnt default nowdays is selling snake oil other than that mvq goat

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