39 Gedanken zu „Danny & Arin Reveal the 7 Keys to a Happy Marriage — A Very Special Game Grumps Compilation“
  1. I did the math on the Zelda 30,000 hours and that's only 21~ days so it's totally doable if you only get a game on special occasions like birthday or gift giving holidays I know I only got a few games a year growing up so you end up replaying the games you do have

  2. lol about that, played Zelda 1000 times thing. im actually a gamer so i know this, but getting 30,000 minutes of gameplay is verrrrrrry easy, let's go by Arins's math, 30 mins x 1000 =30,000 minutes…30,000 minutes= just under 30 days which translates to (around)500 hours. you can go to any respectable gamer and i can all but guarantee that they will have, much more then 500 hours on at least 1 game. One of my friends (and i shit you not. it legit says this on on his gamer card), has 1 year and like two months on dragon ball zenoverse 1…just to give you an idea of how easy it is for dan to actually Compleat the task of "playing" not "beating "the game 1000times. 1 year translates to like under 9000 hours, all this is leading up to the point where i say dan could compleate this in like 28.88 days or something like that(if played 29 days straight with no break) so to AT LEAST assume that dan could do it in his 44 years of life is not anywhere near to out of the question( and we are not even bringing up the idea of dan having more or less then thirty minutes time, which could make it harder or easier depending on if he's playing for longer or shorter periods…so to wrap up this package no one asked for…arin is wrong (AND FROM THE VIDEO GAME BOI NO LESS)

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