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Ich liebe es mehr, über dieses Spiel nachzudenken, als es zu spielen. Begleitblog-Artikel: …
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15:26 I don't appreciate that Shamus
hey friend i had a question i dont see in no place in youtube or the wiki , in the fail at the heist they say they will put ninjas after us and we are just like dead man walking but in game after we escape from that robots we just back to our appartament and no one come to kill us or do something even after we blow up the event in the middle of the night city the police dont give a fuck if you aproach them same for arasaka guys we dont even try to hide we just back to the same room and sleep
A while back I was going to play Cyberpunk, even after the disaster launch, but then I found out Jackie died, and that killed any desire to play the game. I would have stomached all the bugs if 2077 was 'The adventures of Jackie and V"
hey, vampire the masquerade bloodlines was a hot mess on launch too, also thanks to corporate buggery. perhaps in the next decade or so, the cyberpunk would be the next generation's vtmb. one can only hope.
Don't matter this game is bad
"T-Bug sucks"
Dude imagine you're trying to put a hole in the wall of a supermax prison without anyone noticing, and it takes you less than four hours. Quickhacks are like dynamite: Effective but obvious, and if you draw any attention down on yourself you're about to find everyone within your post code dropping their own sticks down on your head. The kind of hacking she's doing is like getting through a brick wall with a power drill. The fact that you don't understand something basic like "hacking large systems is comically dangerous and requires keeping dozens of plates spinning for hours on end" is kinda disappointing.
The heist was actually fun to play through then after the story goes down hill
Great job on pointing out some praiseworthy positives of the game against the backdrop of the malcontented mimetic meme mob.
As an aside, I must have had some god graced PC copy of the game as I had very few noticeable bugs (though I found the game poorly balanced in most aspects) – nothing too disrupting to simply forget about immediately. Very lucky I guess!
Great video mate
I would have liked any story that didn't have me stuck dealing with that jerk Johnny Silverhand at all. I would have been happy with the original Maxtac/cyberpsyco story line the game was supposed to have.
Nice. I like your theorycrafting here. But I do want to add one more possibility. As you said, Evelyn was smart and ambitious. It's possible she had lined up another buyer for the chip. Probably wouldn't have changed much for her since the Voodoo Boys would likely have found out anyways. But in this scenario, V & crew still get paid. And the game lasts all of about 10 minutes.
I LOVED this bro. Great video
I wish we could save Jackie, and Ev, both didn't get enough time in the game
Yeah, T-But struck a nerve with me, so I wasn't super sad when she got bumped off, just because to me she was a bit of a jerk. Now my boy Jackie, his death hurt, I love his personality, the couple jokes he made were funny, he was like the friend you never had.
Never liked Brigitte, or Dex either, them plus Bug seemed like the three jerks
This is my all time favorite video game
At the start of this video I thought I was going to really dislike it, but… I'm glad I stuck around.
I agree with your analysis of Dexter, and of what would have happened if Evelyn had gone back to the Voodoo Boys on her own with the chip. The Voodoo Boys are seriously bad juju. I think they probably could have delivered the money that Evelyn hoped for, because there is at least the implication they can hack more or less anything; but I agree with you that it's really unlikely that they would have felt any need to pay her, since they clearly didn't see any need to pay V for getting rid of the NetWatch agent.
But, assuming the chip is in V's head, then V and Evelyn going back to the Voodoo Boys together yields two possibilities:
1. The Voodoo Boys do attempt to kill V (and perhaps Evelyn) to get the Relic, but that triggers the chip's resurrection function, and the game plays out from there more or less as it would from the end of "I Walk the Line" (except you'd have to do something different to contact Alt – and that means finding someone else with access to the Black Wall);
2. The Voodoo Boys don't attempt to kill either V or Evelyn (at least not yet), in which case you go straight into Transmission (and maybe do I Walk the Line later, or skip it altogether).
But @Levaris is right that Evelyn wasn't planning to go back to the Voodoo Boys. She was planning to go to NetWatch, who do have the money, and who also have access to the Black Wall through which you can reach Alt – but who definitely would not aid you to get through it, so there would have to be interesting new plot there. On this path, NetWatch would probably take the Voodoo Boys out.
So after The Heist (if successful) you could have a meeting with Evelyn at which you could persuade her to go to the Voodoo Boys with the Relic, or accept her plan to go to NetWatch with it. Either way you get to the Black Wall and the encounter with Alt, but on the NetWatch path you need someone other than Brigitte to get you through the Black Wall – which could be T-Bug, but she'd have to be a much better hacker, but it could also be Spider Murphy who might still be alive and still be in touch with Rogue. Murphy would be an interesting character, I think.
This gives you a lot more interesting branching in the middle of the plot without making any major changes to the final end paths, so it plausibly could be retrofitted into the game as an expansion.
I don't think the 'Relic is in Jackie's head' idea works, from a game/narrative point of view, because then the player would never see Johnny, so even if you could get Jackie through The Heist alive – and I'd really liked that, when I first played I redid The Heist three times before I realised there was no way to save him – you'd need to get the Relic into V's head.
I disagree with you about T-Bug. She's obviously not the uber-hacker that Dexter claims she is (but neither are is V the uber-merc who Dexter pretends to Evelyn that V is), but I think she's an interesting character who could have been developed further.
It would be good to be able to save Jackie, T-Bug and Evelyn. It should probably be pretty hard to manage all three, so you get a real feeling of accomplishment if you pull it off, but it would be good and I don't see that it would hurt the rest of the game that much.
There are a lot more badly underused characters in this game. Victor Vector, Lizzie Wizzie, Regina Jones (the whole 'save the cyberpsychos' thing just fades out in a completely unresolved way. It's really broken that you can't pass Rose Horrigan on to Regina's scheme, and it's frustrating that you never find out what happens to all those cyberpsychos you kept alive), loads more.
I think evelyn would have sold it to netwatch not the voodoo boys
9:05 plus V is considerably wealthy by the time he reaches Placide!!! At least my V anyway.
Jackie is very reminiscent of Minsc from the original Baldur's Gate, which made me just love him as the best character other than V in the game.
If T-Bug was a mere 2 minutes faster the heist works. Thats the sad part.
Really wish Jackie had lived
Saburo isn't the US President. He's a corporate titan holding a merely symbolic "Emperor" title. Myers is the President.
Man, this video is so well done, but is so worthless in the end, because of few poorly informed assumptions.
First, why the hell do you think Evelyn was going to sell the chip back to VDBs that hired her to scroll the suite? Doesn't make any sense? She was negotiating to sell Relic to NetWatch, and those wanted it to use it in the same way VDBs did – as a lure to capture Alt Cunningham. Something you deemed to be non-relevant detail to mention. And believe me, NetWatch, being a corporation, did have those money to pay for Relic. It is evident from few Evelyn's emails with them. Initially, it was Yorinobu who negotiated to sell it to NetWatch, but Evelyn decided to beat him to it. This is also why Silverhand, of all engrams was present on the chip – because NetWatch asked for Silverhand, not for Relic itself.
Second, Jackie would never survive with a wound like that just because he had Relic in. I mean, V himself isn't immortal, despite having Relic in his head at all time. It isn't some magic resurrector, it's not how it works. Jackie simply bled out, and there was no way for Biochip to prevent that. Biochip is equipped with nanomachines, whose purpose is to reconfigure your synaptic connections of your neurons to house engram stored on the chip. Just so that you could "talk" to it, just like you talk to yourself in your soughts. Alternatively, they are able to "overwrite" your brain with engram copy completely, as was intended by "Secure you Soul" program, and what Saburo does to his son in The Devil ending. This is what basically happened, when V got shot to his/her head. Nanomachines started to repair neuron damage, but they did so by writing Silverhand's psyche over V's intact brain cells.
Third, yes, Arasaka would catch up on Dexter anyway, because he tried to leave the city via Orbital Air Space Center and booked a ticket on his name, as he talked about it in your presence (you've paid so much attention to the game, did you?). He was careless and underestimated Goro Takemura's ability to connect the dots and trace him quickly.
So best case scenario whould be to steal Relic in time, leave the Hotel before lockdown, ditch Dexter and deliver chip directly to Evelyn, lay low as Arasaka searches for thieves, while Evelyn is selling the chip to NetWatch, then get paid and retire. Yorinobu didn't even had a strong need to search for missing biochip after killing his father, so it would probably be even relatively safe to stay in NC afterwards.
RIP Shamus
The real question is, what if V didn’t take the shard and left it in Jackie. Would Jackie then reboot and the point of the story is to try and save Jackie or decide you love the rocker boy life and want Johnny to take over. Now there is a fun story.
This is great, but you missed the whole point of Evelyn Parker.
Someone has said a part of her wanting to sell the Relic to Netwatch, which makes more sense because there's no way you'd want to sell a chip back to the same persons you just ripped off and somehow think they won't figure it out.
Again, secondly, this is an unpopular opinion, but… Evelyn Parker is a Bitch. Like… A real bitch. I won't say she deserved the trauma she endured, but what she was about to do was one of the most callous things I've ever seen in Fiction.
(For the record, I like Evelyn Parker's design, her voice actress and her mannerisms, the character concept. It's all cool. She was brilliantly written. But then again, I hate the character that she actually is.)
(Many people tend to make that mistake; assuming that liking the way a character is written entails you like the character in real life or the person's part of the story, they're two different Things)
Anyway, with that out of the way, let's get to the reason why Evelyn Parker sucks. What was her plan?
She figured out what Brigitte's plan was about, decided to rip her off and sell the microchip that belonged to Arasaka. And again, let's remember they were hiring her to do this. They paid her of course. You can't just get people to do favors for you in Night City.
Apart from her planning to sell the chip to Netwatch, which is being a manipulative bitch already, she organises an entire fucking heist because of this, hiring mercenaries and not giving them any clue as to the danger they were getting themselves into(not the Arasaka threat, the threat of elimination from the Voodoo boys. You don't mess with a clan like that. You saw what they did to Evelyn immediately they realized she backstabbed them)
Are you telling me that if Evelyn came clean about her involvement with the Voodoo boys and her plan to cut them off to the entire team, anyone of them would have gotten into such a dangerous Suicide mission? No fucking way.
That was manipulation, and that's even the beginning point of dishonesty. It's obvious she didn't care about any hired muscle in the heist and was just using them all and straight up concealing facts about everything she knew.
That's not even the main thing that makes her the asshole that she really was. Her other plan, was to run away and rip everybody off entirely, with Judy Alvarez(even Judy herself didn't even know what Evelyn was up to, which was why she was angry at her for keeping secrets like that, being indirectly responsible for the deaths of 3 members involved in the heist (Dexter Deshawn, T-Bug and Jackie Welles).
So in other words, even if the heist was successful, she would rip off everybody that risked themselves (especially V and Jackie) and just run away. Of course, there's no reward money for anyone, not even V. (It's obvious that the reason she decided to have a secret deal with you concerning ditching Dex was because she wasn't even planning on sharing the profits in the first place, making it look like she was giving you her trust, which she will eventually break)
The fact that she thought through all this and still decided to go ahead with the heist without proper information just tells us how unlikeable and manipulative she is.
I know there's a fanbase around her and there's this idea that she was supposed to be avenged for what was done to her by Woodman (which is actually correct to an extent), but….
Let's not act like she was some saint. She sucked. Her suicide was tragic, but maybe that was her atonement.
Tragic character though (she reminds me of JOI and Rachel from Blade Runner).
RIP Shaun. You were one of the best!
the problem with this is that in the world of cyberpunk corporations are literally more powerful than governments and hold more. suburo Arasaka is literally one of the most powerful people on earth. and yes i mean more important than the president. im sure at this point the president dying is even going to make the it to the local news.
bro what I really wanna is what would happen if General grievous was their, like think about it He would fit Right in. Or someone like say Neo was in their universe.