MadSeasonShow hat sich heute bei ClassiCast angemeldet, um die Beta von WoW Classic zusammenzufassen und über seine Pläne für die Zukunft zu sprechen.
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MadSeasonShow hat sich heute bei ClassiCast angemeldet, um die Beta von WoW Classic zusammenzufassen und über seine Pläne für die Zukunft zu sprechen.
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Hey everyone sorry for the break from ClassiCast, we've all been pretty busy recently. We should be back to being more consistent until Classic Launch! Also leading up to Classic Launch I've been starting off all my streams with a "Daily Dose of Classic" series that I've been uploading to YouTube as well. This is where I'll pick a Classic WoW topic that we'll break down and discuss before I move on to playing a variety game or something. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out!
I pugged halls of reflection in wotlk. I did it prot and holy. Holy early on. Prot later. I would say 50/50 chance of success early wotlk, later on it was easy to pug. I had to do some tricks like bubble sac to keep the tank alive etc.
On the guild drama issue, I was a rated BG team leader for one of my guild's bg teams and people would bring up issues that shouldn't have been an issue. Half our team would choke up if our GM was sitting in our team speak channel just listening in on how the games were going, some dude threw a fit because one of our healers wasn't the best out there and she was practicing to get better but this guy didn't like it and left, we had some kid that kept trying to be the team leader so he'd be blowing up the voice channel trying to lead when I'm calling shots and strats. It's a load of work and stress but I really miss leading my own team. I couldn't imagine leading a guild though. Respect to those guys that put in the effort in to wanting to lead their guilds well. 👍
I just happened upon this because I'm hype and searched for wow classic to find something to sleep to. Don't know any of these people, but they opened with some vivaldi, so I'm sold.
Madseason 😍
I’m going to miss the EU players on light’s hope.
I don't think I wanna warrior everyone is gonna be warrior swifty wanna bes everyone
As always: Esfan converses with the guest for 90% of the cast, Staysafe chimes in from time to time and Tips is silent throughout.
I love every single person in ClassiCast, but the word "like" is used every other second so I couldn't watch more than 15 minutes.
Madseason has a great voice
Madseason straight OG up in here
20 per region, OMEGALUL
I would totally play on Ol' Blanchy.
Edit (2days later): holy shit they added Old Blanchy…
Staysafe looks like he spent the past ten years working third shift in a gas station living off energy drinks and doritos. Esfand just doritos. Tips worked low level call centers and spent every lunch playing f2p phone games featuring his favorite waifus.
Those add on are cheating.
These add ons make the game so stupid. I am on the fence I really don't want to play knowing people have all these hacks(add ons).
actual herod
Who the hell is Stacey ? They keep mentioning her.. And who's Chad ? 😂
I prefer tbc but tbc private servers have a notorious habit of dying on me and then if it stays up the pop is just meh. I’m so so excited for classic and to actually have a large group of people to play with and to actually be able to run dungeons along the way. It’s so hard to find groups NA time with these pservers. The community aspect and playing a class that’s new to me, that’s what I’m looking forward to. Oh and not having to worry about the server just one day being poof gone is also a nice bonus. :p
My favorites all in one place!
Madseason is ASMR.
Haha, Esfand predicted the Old Blanchy server.
I'm here for my man Madseason, I looked up a guide in 2016 on how to get the secret world quest inneye of azhara and have watched all his vids like twice. I'm glad he's playing with asmons crew, it's gonna be very entertaining.
1:08:25 What Esfand I think is trying to circle around here is the idea of "stratification" ("the arrangement or classification of something into different groups"). That's what having multiple tiers of raids does to a realm and to a community…gives people experiences that look similar, but have totally different difficulty levels. Cheapens the experience for all involved.
Terrible idea with those tournament reals, dont you want soem with 3x exp too? Go for privates mate : )
I think I'm gonna join the streamer server and call everyone a bunch of skirt rider losers who think being on a streamers stream will make then famous or something lol
Maybe that's why EU is so easily convinced by dictators lol kidding.. or am I?.