35 Gedanken zu „CLASSIC WOW HYPE | 4 Valuable PvP Items | Vanilla World Of Warcraft“
  1. The Green whelps of swamps of sorrows are already mentioned in most grinding spots of vanilla videos on youtube, been known forever. Not exactly something we "need to begin thinkin about" :-). Especially because they have like 0 armor so a warrior/rogue/hunter/shaman/paladin kills them in seconds.

  2. Love the vids man. This is really random but i was thinking of little things i would do for advantages in Vanilla… 1 of them i remember was getting white quality gear/weapons that a lvl 1 can equip and decking them out with enchants for my alts. The cool the is you can repair it and send it to your next alt when that time comes. Fiery is an… underwhelming enchant at 60 but at lvl 1 the proc came close to 1 shotting lower lvl mobs; not to mention it's pretty cheap when you compare it to something like Crusader

  3. I keep forgetting how many niche items were implemented. Especially for pvp. I was watching a video a few weeks back from Frostadamus. He was talking about the quest line in the "secret cove" in arathi Highlands. And the trinket that drops from a rare in the cove. Just one more to be added to the list. It wasn't super OP. Though a 3 second stun can turn the tides on any pvp duel, just like the items in this video. 🙂

  4. Green Whelp Armor plus Deadman's Hand Ring in the 30-39 PvP bracket in TBC on any one that ran the flag in WSG was unstoppable.
    I remember having these on by 39 Druid and running flags it was proc after proc. Was a lot of fun.

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