13 Gedanken zu „Classic Warcraft Servers Things You Should Know – Vanilla Legacy World of Warcraft“
  1. This video was spot on! Exacly the same way i view it. Like seriously people don't listen when i'm saying 90% of the people won't Even have a remote chance in hell to do the old raids unless they have a stupid unhealthy amount of time to put into vanilla. 😂 this was a spot on video 😀

  2. ahhhhhh Vanilla where warrior's had the coolest weapons the coolest armor and one shot clothies with mortal strike, the most hated room in the entire game the suppression room in BWL the one room rogues shined in having at least 5 or 6 rogues or warrior dps as a must Warlocks turned from enslaving demons from the twisting nether to summoning and buff bitches and Rogues not being able to use poisons so they don't screw boss debuffs or how about ranks of spells you had to pay for that turned to be pointless later……. As it might seem like im bashing Vanilla but it was this stuff that made it so much fun as I never played back then I had a 60 warlock on Elysium and as bad as killing 40 enemies was before each raid just to summon people and then go out again to kill some more enemies just for health stones I must say having 40 people in a raid was a lot of fun and when you kill a boss and everyone is just screaming at pure happiness its just to much fun

  3. 31/5/15 worked for most shit <3 ya warrior bros, once you get to level 50ish the idea is go south of blackrock mountain looking for elite dragons, find a healer maybe a tank if you dont wear plate and grind. You'll crush people to 60. The best part of vanilla was…

    Intimidating shout had no limit on how many you could fear. Raid vs. raid world pvp was a warrior playground.

  4. They may have already stated otherwise… But I'm pretty sure that WoW classic will launch with some of the later class nerfs and balance tweaks. They've got the benefit of hindsight now. Plus… they can't let it launch with some of the original exploits, surely? I mean… how can you claim vanilla was challenging if you can just roll a warrior… use the same buff over and over again until you can one-shot a raid boss! Lol.

  5. Love the vid but this "you had to grind mobs" fallacy needs to stop. You didn't have to. You could go to a different zone and pick up more quests. There were several zones for each leveling bracket, you just couldn't stay in one.

  6. I played Vanilla. You forgot to mention having to painstakingly craft each and every poison, of which there were many. and certain fights we werent ALLOWED to use them. I didnt raid much back then. i got attuned for Onyxia about a month b4 TBC hit and managed to my only ever 40-man raid, my god it was fucking CHAOS. Don't get me wrong it was awesome, loved every second of it, But mostly i just went for PVP, i have fond memories of WSG that could last for hours and hours and AV that lasted for a fucking week lol
    I will try Classic, but like you say, i dont think ill play it that much, im more optimistic about the game as it is now

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