Von Joov

50 Gedanken zu „Can you play New Vegas without leaving Vegas?“
  1. “Across the street from the SilverRush is the Atomic Wrangler run by two Very Square heads”
    Yes square heads and the most Fugly Non-Ghoul woman in fallout history (Francine Garrett)

  2. New Vegas players ironically for a game with so much gambling have a really visible "tell" for when they about to kill someone or do something reckless its a little trick called manual quicksave and I always find it funny how quick a lot of people are with that button and then immediately slaughtering a village or whatever pissed them off and then just reverting to the save and going along with their day

  3. I'd say vegas also includes the west, North, east, and south ruins all count as Vegas. As long as you don't leave any areas labeled as 'Vegas' I'd say it still counts as vegas.

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