Von SpookLuke

46 Gedanken zu „„Can I Get GC With ZERO Mechanics?““
  1. Mechanics in this video: flicks, air dripped, control, ground play.

    More mechanics needed: shadow defense, rotations, consistent power shots, passing plays, defense,kick offs, recovery mechs, backboard defense.

    Mechs you probably don’t need: “always air rolling” dribbles, flip resets, speed flips, donkey dashes, ceiling shots,

  2. This argument pisses me the fuck off everytime please stop trying to say you can get gc with no mechs. Yes I understand they really mean flashy mechs but if that’s the case say “you can get gc without flashy mechs”. And even then you still need accurate and powerful shots which are mechs. Also not learning “flashy mechs” just limits yourself. Being able to pull these mechanics out of your back pocket is so useful in order to make yourself that much more of an effective and threatening player (while yes not necessary but still very useful)

  3. For me mechanics is what makes this game fun. So that's what my main focus is on when I'm not in a rank game. I'm solid on other areas so that's good enough for me lol do what makes this game fun for YOU that is all. Who cares about a dumb rank. Have some fun!!!

  4. Why no one mentions good defense, good decision making and positioning?

    You can’t make it to almost champ without these and definitely not gc without being good at them. Knowing how much you have time with the ball and where your opponents are.. These are probably even most effective than all the mechanics.

    That’s how pros get to gc without mechanics and brags about how you don’t need them.


    I didn’t even mention consistenty.


  5. I have been GC and dont even know how to air dribble really haha. I have never flip reset in game. It’s just about hitting the ball consistently and positioning appropriately.

  6. No wonder you get called out all the time then choose to ignore it even though you’re caught in all the lies. If you’re going to tell people this nonsense then tell ‘em the truth.

  7. I really dislike the accepted meaning of "mechanics" meaning resets, pinches, etc when things like consistent turns, powershots and good recoveries are far more important and substantial under the mechanics umbrella. I can hit triple resets and musties in freeplay (and occasionally in games) but still struggle with tight, precise turns into awkward shots. THOSE are the mechanics you need.

  8. This is just a way of saying you don’t need flashy and fancy mechanics to get to gc. The ONLY people that can probably hit gc with literally 0 mechanics are people that are already ssl and want to test it out. Flicks should he doable at platinum level, regardless of the flick itself being good or bad, and bounce dribbles/air dribbles should be manageable at diamond/champ and slowly get better over time. Notice how he’s not mentioning stuff like flip resets/mechanics that are usually not seen below gc. If you’re good enough to get gc, then you should have a solid enough of a foundation to be able to preform more simple mechanics just like the ones listed here regardless. If anybody wants to show me a video of them hitting gc by simply driving around with the ball in front of their car then by all means prove me wrong.

  9. I'm GC and I'm very bad at most mechanics, so I'm living proof of this. You just need… a friend that knows all the mechanics and good game sense to be able to back him up and provide good goal opportunities! XD

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