ICH WEISS NICHT, WIE ICH DARÜBER FÜHLE. Battle For Azeroth wurde bei der Eröffnungszeremonie der Blizzcon 2017 enthüllt und ich bin …
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ICH WEISS NICHT, WIE ICH DARÜBER FÜHLE. Battle For Azeroth wurde bei der Eröffnungszeremonie der Blizzcon 2017 enthüllt und ich bin …
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Raw – mostly unedited – reaction to the opening ceremony as it was live. Not SUPER into reaction videos, but figured some of you may enjoy! What did you enjoy most from the WoW opening ceremony?!
There was no betrayal by the horde in the Legion expansion, I know this because I play both factions, giving me a much better perspective on the game, and making me immune to the deceptions spawned on us to keep us at each others throats…..I have high respect for the racial leaders in both factions, I know there can never be a permanent peace in Azeroth but even short cease fires and combining forces to fight an invading force like we have done in the past.
you can be a2 or h2 fan it doesn't matter , you have to admit sylvanas is the badass one XD
That's such a dumb streamer… Who's watching that shit?
This video must be "alliance player reacton" 🤨
In shock with the horde but mind blown with the alliance lol. I think the silent shock wins.
alliance may stand as one, but in horde everyone stands for the others
За ордуууу
useless green screen
Tem que virar um filme.Sera um sussesso…Brasil…😍
For the alliance
A Parte mais legal do WoW Bfa foi o Trailler.
Silvana lead us to the victory!
Omgg i had an orgasm
For the Alliance!
Fuck the Horde!
For the Alliance!
it's heal bubel not revive
For The Horde !!
9:00 Bitch Did you forgot about Medivh?
13:15 I felt that.
Loved the look on your face at the Banshee reveal and the mass heal from Anduin.. lol I myself played… no longer play 🙁 both Horde and Alliance, so I am always on the fence with these things. But, I'd say Anduin won this round. And with what Slyvanas has done, if I ever return, it will be when a new warchief is crowned. Having been Alliance first, her burning Teldrassil is … no, uh-huh…. unforgiveable.
How are you upset over vanilla wow lmao
Retail wow is absolute dogshit
Jaina > Kagar
And horde is loosing cuz syl was shit warchief and she gonna die in bfa
Classic WoW stomps all over you, BFA sucks. the game has been total shit since 2012
For the Light! For the Alliance!
why wont they update the damn engine
Cinematic 11/10
Game 6/10
I'm in the wrong channel i think, all due respect but how can you cheer for a new content and not to Classic WoW? I mean i still play retail to this day and it's awesome but nothing can compare to the early expansions unfortunately.
Imagine not being excited for classic and un-ironically being excited for BFA
fake reaction
What a fucking idiot.
More reactions! Loved this and any overwatch cins you’ve reacted to
Все: *орут, когда слышат "За Орду!"
Missildine: мило хмурится
when your boy king can use a sword and cool armor, but is really a priest….
I still get chills with that "For the Horde!"
Best short movie ever
MANduin is really a boss <3
My kingggggggg omggggg
And they had the Horde splinter into sub factions yet again making her the next Garrosh Hellscream. I do NOT recognize this horde anymore nor the direction wow has taken. I will nvr be back…
Me on 2017: oh yes, an aggressive act of the alliance who are resentful with the horde and for the first time they are the ones who start a war, this is gonna be awesome.
Me on 2022: fuck you Blizzard, how dare you ruin my queen Sylvanas like that
omg look at this baby