Von Esfand

46 Gedanken zu „Blizzard WoW Classic Dev Update – NO CHANGES CONFIRMED???“
  1. I really hope it is 1.1 and it progresses like that. I never got to appreciate that and I want to.. Imo, if it is 1.12 it won't be us enjoyable 🙁 but classic is classic and I'll play the fuck out of it!

  2. Wow classic wont come out before BFA have no content.

    They will make wow classic, as filler content for the live ppl, who play BFA, to keep the wheel going.

    So my bet, end 2019, or start 2020

  3. What is your take on Battle.net integration? 100% sure Classic will be on board. I wouldn't be surprised At All if there are insentives to roll on Classic for Retail players benefit, either being meta achieves, titles, mounts, appearances etc. Promotions, such as game time. All of this will be given to the retail version on the linked account. I also wonder if there is anything at all from your linked retail account into classic that is rewarded. I do not like the later very much.

  4. Gated raids need to be REALLY spread out in time to mimic Vanilla, because if it was like 3 months between raids or something, there's still tons of people in guilds who won't have gotten enough upgrades to do the next tier successfully. SO little loot drops.

  5. The biggest upside with all of this that not a lot of people are talking about is that we'll get the modern macro and addon system. No more healbots or unintuitive mouseover macros, some addons might even work for both the classic servers and the retail servers. The downside is that a lot of addons will have to be rewritten if they are to work on the classic servers.

  6. 1. Patch Version 1.12.

    In terms of the overall state of the game's "balancing" and bug fixes, I am 100% fine with this version of the game. The true progressive from v.1.0 would've been great in terms of nostalgia and reliving the old experience, but I truly think that would make the project too much work for the team working on it. I am not too familiar with pre- 1.12 class balance, but to try be sympathetic, imagine your class is truly horrible for 3-4 months, and you (for example) need to wait for v.1.10 to be any good. Or what about the reverse? What if you enjoyed your class, but now it's less enjoyable? This is just an isolated example, but by sticking to 1.12 as a foundation (or any version for that matter) we are also given a "set-in-stone" baseline to measure ourselves with. Because it's not in flux (and hopefully, it won't ever be again) we can get on with our in-game lives without fear of becoming obsolete, or without the fear of having to wait for a future patch to make your class worthwhile.

    2. Progressive Content Roll-out

    I think it's more than fair to accept that releasing all content at once is a bad idea. That said, we can always take a lesson from the private servers here. Also, I have no programming background so I offer the following out of principle, rather than specifics. Put the content (the raids, dungeons, etc) "in-the-game", but just lock the instances. I only suggest this train of thought in order to make things a bit easier for the developers. Of course we would like to see the special treatment of formally introducing new instances and such, but more realistically, I would be more than happy to run past Zul'Gurub's instance portal, and to see (upon trying of course) that it won't let me in. So, I feel that the instance data for these things are (in most, not all, cases) welcome to be added from day 1 PROVIDED THAT THEY ARE LOCKED AND INACCESSIBLE. When the time comes, they can simply click "unlock" on their end to "release" the content when it's appropriate. My final comment regarding the content roll-out is a bit of a wildcard. It's very easy to Google what the sequence of content will be for Classic; there is nothing we can do about it. It is also common sense that waiting (for example) 16 months for a new raid or dungeon is not ideal; they should absolutely try to (more or less) imitate the original release schedule. My twist that I would like to suggest is, can we keep the exact release dates for raid and dungeon releases secret? If you look at the original timeline for vanilla, you can still get a good idea of the gaps between patches, but wouldn't it be cool if (for example) we one day see a post from Blizzard (out of the "blue" hehe) saying "Hey! ZG is opening this Tuesday! Get ready!". Sure, there are some guilds out there who would probably hate this because they like planning ahead, but I speak for myself that I (and players similar to me) would love the semi-surprise. To know that it's been a few months since the last raid, and the new raid is coming any moment now… That anticipation excites me. But I guess it won't work for everyone. My reasoning is simple: We already know exactly WHAT is coming, and even roughly WHEN.. wouldn't it be worth something to preserve, at least, SOME mystery and anticipation? This is pretty much applicable to talks about itemisation as well; they can lock the stuff until it's appropriate (Personally, I wouldn't even be bothered to see the honour vendors in-game, even if they can't sell anything. If that approach will make the development easier and quicker, then I think it's hardly a compromise).

    3. Battle.net Integration

    We expected this, so it isn't much of a surprise. However, I agree with Esfand, Tipsout, and Staysafe here; not being able to talk to a horde player in-game is part of the CORE GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCE. Back in the day, my brother and I played opposite factions for a while, and we often visited each other and duelled each other in the open world. This defied the concept a bit, but these were such small-scale and isolated events. Make no mistake… we met up and stuff… but we still wanted to kill each other. This cross-faction interaction is sadly unavoidable. Internet exists. Discord exists, etc. The best we can hope for is twofold. (1) If I click on a Horde/Alliance character's portrait, I must NEVER be able to click any "add battle.tag" buttons; this goes for the in-game character-specific friends list as well. (2) When a player is in-game in WoW classic, battle.net restricts who can battle.net message you. You can talk to (a) anyone who isn't in ANY game, (b) anyone is NOT online in WoW classic, and (c) if a friend logs on to WoW classic, he/she MUST be online on a character of the same faction to talk to you. This definitely doesn't eliminate the possibilities, but at least it helps as a disincentive for communicating with the opposite faction. In the end, if you want to contact a player from the opposite faction, it was never really "impossible" but it definitely was not encouraged, and it was effort. At least, as a random Alliance character in STV, you won't be able to instantly contact that Horde rogue who's ganking you. To do that, you will have to do a significant amount of work to find the person. My final example is thus. If my brother rolls Horde, and I roll Alliance, and we are both online in WoW classic, the app should block us from communicating (i.e. one of us will have to log out to contact the other, which is actually quite an inconvenience… which is a good thing!). If we REALLY want to talk while playing in-game, we will manage with Discord. However, even if we do this, the old game does not incentivise this. You can't type to each other, you can't party up, and mob tags aren't shared. So, even IF we choose to do this, it will be VERY inefficient and, essentially, a waste of time. In all honesty, this might sound like a fun little plan to defy the game's faction rules (just as something to pass the time), but it will most likely end up with a PvP battle because somebody accidentally targetted you with a spell xD The more you think of this scenario, the more you doubt it's efficiency due to the game's systems. Of course, anything is possible, and people can obviously make a mess with this, but that would've happened anyway (and to a smaller extent, it did happen back then as well). So, the best we can do is make it harder to do, so that the majority of people won't partake in it. However, I wouldn't be fully impartial to "Accepting" such a partnership… just so that I can betray the Horde/Alliance filth on the last minute… Just saying. This might actually cause dynamic events and battle between players? At this stage, who knows!

    Love your videos and you Classic Cast discussions! Keep it up guys! Thanks for giving me hope and keeping my hype alive. Best news in the WHOLE post though… "No Achievements"! 😀

  7. Hey s fan I like how you didn't go in to the opposing argument you only talk about the positives and what you felt was going to happen but you completely left out the other spectrum of the argument why the f*** do you do this . In your eyes are there really no negatives is there really nothing bad that can happen?

  8. They said that 1.12 will only be the "foundation" so there is still hope that they will fix this broken game (that was super fun back in the day when we did not know any better) and actually make an amazing game out of it 🙂

  9. Man, really hope they dont have BGs on release, this will mean no SS vs TM fights, also means that the first to hit 60 will be the first to get rank 14 (if they choose to pvp grind) Really wished they would not release BGs until 2-3 months after release… BUT I am still happy as fuck if this means no changes.

  10. so disappointed, seen this many times before in other games' time locked/progression. using new client means newer damage tables, newer mitigation cap newer spells- It adds up to content being face rolled . it's totally going to miss niche. classic die hards will hate because it's not real classic, millennials will hate it because it's today's wow just killing old content and gear not as good as live.

  11. Vanilla Craft – Discord channel dedicated to preparing for Classic/Vanilla wow, looking for players interested in hitting classic hard, we will be forming a Guild on OCE upon release and plan to dominate both PvE and PvP, we are day one veterans that are serious about Vanilla and want the best start and experience possible, we want a place where members both hardcore and casual can share knowledge and reminisce on the good old days https://discord.gg/WTjVnJ all welcome!

  12. this is great news… to be honest i thought they would be starting from scratch, or at least data mining an old client version.
    they already have the core up and running.
    now they just have to update the databases, rewrite the code that interacts with it, add battlenet etc…
    probably another 6-8 months.

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