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Yet again sweaty small pro who plays out of position because no one jcc plays with can use a normal size pro !!!
What is the hight in cm and weight in Kg????
Finally subscribed 😅
Can we have a CDM one already thanks 😊
so you’re saying that the best builds are the same old 5’4 bs from last year ? there aren’t build that aren’t tiny ?
Best cdm build please if u can @JJC
any volta squads gameplay?
You guys should tried smallest 5’6” build at 149lb fill all physical stamina side.. fill all dribbling all pace except the last one . Shorting go 4 star week foot and some long shot shooting is actually good this year from outside the 18.. and out some curb on your player and you should have around 90 pace 87 finishing 91 stamina 80 plus passing
Everyone playing 5'4'' is cringe
anyone else can’t load into clubs games 99% of the time
“Starter build” 86 ovr not everyone plays only pro clubs
CDM build?
s/o stoke city
Best custom camera for cam?
Females don’t play fifa that why if there is it’s only the few tomboys or lesbians tryna be cool
Aren't you better leaving all the skill points off until you level up more?
Thank you! Gonna use this setup! 👍
We often play four or five. My position is the ZM position. But it is extremely difficult to create a player who is good at everything, so an all-rounder. I don't come to the end very often because the others are more offensive. I currently have a CM build. Do you have any tips that I should pay attention to when assigning skills?
Do a Cm no one has done one please
Whenever I play any my cf player goes cdm for some reason
Use the cam build not the cd
I have the exact same stats and I’m 83?
Built the same build and everything and have some points left over yet he’s and extra 2 ratings above me??
Hey JCC can you show us a video of how to create your own player thanks
Dude that skill move when the keeper rushed you at 6:30 was nuts lmao
What's his camera angle?