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so if you don't have double nova and shards enchant unlocked and no gear "early game" will this still be viable or should u supplement another build
« I don’t have any gear »
Proceeds to open character sheet, 3 legendaries.
Proceeded to close the video
and in endgame waht your build gonna look like ? maybe share a calculator example
They really trashed the lightening sorcerer with this update.
Amazing video! Finally a good ice shards build
Without any legendary aspects, Arc Lash + CL is still better for speed clearing, especially at level 15 when you can use Fireball in your enchantment slot. Also, world tier 2, instead of 1.
This build might be overall better though if you do the world bosses and don't want to have to respec each time for them. This build can stagger the bosses too, which the other elements cannot.
Why do you play on World Tier 1 ?
diablo looks like a really boring, bad managed game…pew pew…braindead zombie-smasher would be a better name.
Cringe clickbait title, frame, intro, bot subscribers, all check. Another wannabe noob leet gamer.
Not much of a build diversity, only three choices, fire, lightning or ice. You would think D4 would learn from Path of Exile. PoE 2 is going to steal their entire player base when it releases. You can't even carry over your gear from d3 like you will be able to in PoE 2.
i recommend always using protection guys, winky face. never change my guy
Thanks Ziqo, looks amazing, cant wait to try it on release. Pls do lvl 50 version once it comes out for ice and lightning. I will likely run 2 sorcs for each of the builds.
You dmg is really low. Seems your playing normal as well. Put it on vet and see you not doing any dmg to clear rooms. 128 dmg is pretty fucking bad at lvl 20 😅 I was hitting harder with firebolt for 230 dmg basic attack. Plus there is no best build yet barley search the game in the beta.
I believe people was using the dungeon reset to escape death on hardcore.
This is fun?
How will this translate into singletarget damage? Is the singletarget dmg also close to the nerfed lightning build you showed us?
Thank you for good explainations and tips so far.
This is an awesome build. I'd watch any build videos you wanna make. Thanks for the content!
Still best build with the adjustment we saw in server slam ? Thank for your help
You guys really need to stop callin builds "the best builds" These are all baby nothing level 20 leveling paths. None of these mean anything 10 minutes after level 25.
It's easy because it's set at T1. Try T2 with that build when the game comes out on June 1st at 4pm.
It probably will get smashed.
Pretty sure this is going to be my launch build. Either this or the charged bolt melee. But this looks funny/more my style. Thanks, man! Subscribed!
Do you need ice shards equipped to proc the ice shards enchantment?
If you take Frozen Orb enchantment with the aspect Orb stops when it hits it's target and explodes two more times it seemed to work way better than the Ice Shards enchantment. Also had the added benefit of increasing your single target damage on bosses too.
World tier 1 😮
What do you recommend in terms of stats? (Intelligence/willpower/dex) before reaching the paragon board?
Do you know if elementalist aspect (Core or Mastery Skills cast at or above 100 Mana gain a 20 – 40% increased Critical Strike Chance.) would this aspect apply to the ice shards enchantment when they automatically conjure and fly towards frozen enemies. would those shards receive that aspects benefit @ziqo ? or anyone else is free to answer. Couldn't find it online.
Awsome i was going druid, But this changed my mind thx
Cmon now big Z .. where is the link to your build 🙂 i have to watch this video all the way while leveling now haha to remember the points order.
now i have dilema again iliked the mage and rogue but after mage nerfs i decided i will play rogue on launch… now i am deciding again XD 😀 thanks a lot… 😀
Max on Frost Nova?