47 Gedanken zu „Best Loadouts to Win EASILY in Season 8 – Fortnite Tips and Tricks“
  1. My favourite loadout is infinite gauntlet , infinity blade drum gun and douple pump

    But for real its usually
    Pump smg ar meds gliders sometimes switch ar or smg to heavy or rocket and in arena cuz end game rotations and so i like to carry pump , ar ,meds, gliders or stinks or rift and heavy , rocket , more meds or smg

  2. My loadout is pretty good and will definitely help you in arena mode to get some free shield or health

    Assault rifle
    Any healing item

    But i also use this load out for pure aggresiveness:

    Assault rifle
    Rpg or any explosives like boom bow or grenade launcher
    Heavy sniper for retaking walls and killing enemy with ease at far away cause of the high damage

  3. my fav loadout for scrims is

    Heavy sniper
    6 minis
    2 rifts

    then when it gets moving zone i trade my heavy sniper for RPG, GrenadeLauncher, Stinks, ect.

    my fav loadout in Pubs is

    Scar or new inventory rigle
    Heavy sniper

  4. My loadout
    The primary and secondary options are in two categories the right and the left they are not alternatives for the slots but the whole loadout

    1 pump
    2 silenced smg/scar
    3 Infintry rifle/sniper, bow or deagle
    4 sniper, deagle, bow /utility or heals
    5 heals

    Yes deagle after the nerf I love these 100 damage shots at 200 m

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