Von Osirus

11 Gedanken zu „BEGRENZTE ZEIT! GARCHOMP & SYLVEON Spotlight Tera Raid EVENT in Pokemon Scarlet und Violett“
  1. Guess it's time to let go of my Greninja event(got like 3 on top of the guaranteed ability patch from 1st clear). Been wanting a pixelate Sylveon but I don't want to use an ability patch just yet.

    The garchomp might be a challenge specially if it does have sand veil as an ability and it does sandstorm. Though personally I abused this ability on one of my 6 star raids I encountered, 6 star poison tera kilowattrel with competitive ability. Abused sandstorm sandveil garchomp to clear it since kilowattrel only have hurricane and thunder which is not that accurate then add up the evasion from sand veil.

  2. I’ve been farming these all morning , for sylveon I use ursaring with belly drum , crunch , facade , close combat , adamant nature , ability guts and flame orb and honestly it’s just wrecking sylveon , and for Garchomp I’ve been using azumaril , belly drum , liquidation , play rough and rain dance , adamant nature , huge power , sitrus berry and believe me the rain dance comes in clutch when you use it turn 1 👍🏻

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