31 Gedanken zu „BEGINNERS WARLOCK GUIDE for TBC: Talents, Gear, Tips & Tricks +more!“
  1. it seems like your entire warlock guide was all about PVP oriented game play??? so why is shadow bolt not worth adding some talent points considering it is the warlocks stable ranged casting ability???

  2. I really love your content, but I will never touch classic, can you guys make a different channel for classics (tbc, wotlk) so many new pvp talent on the ptr for shadowlands and all I get is this 🙁

  3. This is a good video on pvp, next time change the title since pvp is what your focused on it's not that good for leveling but has it's ups and downs. Overall still a good video on pvp.

  4. i tried the UA build in this video, and i am loving it, Fear makes npcs useless while dots are ticking down, and when i was just questing alone a T3 mage(probably GDKP gold bought all the t3 gear) attacked me and had the drop on me, i spell locked him and made him my bitch, what a noob, thanks for making this video!

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