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Were the other races intentionally left out?
Please do TBC Resto Druid guide 🙂
u forgot 2 races
What's the way to get Gladiator gear ? It's with honor ? Because they will be no arena in phase 1, only in phase 2
Do TBC Rogue guide before June 1 please, we have it tough 😉
MQG is from the second boss in BWL btw
mqg is 2nd boss
Warrior next plz!
Arms warrior PLEASE no info
Resto druid next pleaseeeeeee!!
how necessary is mind quickening gem for arena?
Rogue next💕❤
PoM pyro mage? nobody?
= (
hunter next plssssss <3
What about Blood elves and Draenei?
i will never see a feral tbc guide here, right? 🙁
I am thinking of reopening my WoW account to pvp in TBC but how gear depended are TBC PvP? Do I need to PvE for ages before I have a competitive chance in Pvp?
I have no words… You guys are gods. I love you so much I can't even put this in words…
i'm a 2500 mage, and sry, i have to disagree with 3 points in improved blizzard instead of full artic wind and winter's chill.
Want to IMPROVE FAST and get the RANK you've always wanted then check out:
Playing Alliance in TBC OMEGALUL
I can't between priest or mage.. played an alliance druid back in the day and always envied these two (and rogues). What's more fun? SP/Disc priest or mage? For world pvp, arena and heroics/kara.
Am I blind or is the link to the gear missing? 😮
Wheres the link to keybinds in description?
Maybe someone has already mentioned this but the Belt recommended in this video is wrong, should be the silk belt
you need haste tho
Hello, could someone tell me the macro to launch rank 1 and maximum rank with the same key by pressing shifht?
I used your Focus macros exactly how you show them and they don't work.
BiS gear:
I must be blind i cant find any rogue's on my server
How do I learn the ability of making the mage table? Is there a quest for it? Do I have to buy a book or something to be able to make it?
so wheres the link for best in slot?
I just don’t understand why people don’t just keybind arena target 123 instead of making a macro for every spell and using up action bar space
Trolls and Undead? What about blood elfs who according to the Lore are the first Mages actually? And tbf extra silence + mana steal is op vs healers.. i think u guys are full of shit. Goodbye.
Can we get a season 4 video for mage now by chance?