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Haftungsausschluss – die späteren Videos haben eine viel bessere Video- und Audioqualität, ICH VERSPRECHE * Willkommen zum ersten Teil der …
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Link in description didn't work for Moonsti's series. Called it "Private"
I started to play this week and i like it. Thanks for this video!
I wish i had a good pc and free time to play this game
total noobs problems: comunicating and interacting with other players, getting lost on the maps
your biginners guide is very helpful thank you 🙂 it would be more problematic had I not watched the series first. another total noob problem is not understanding wow short letter codes
Never played but im consideing it
Quarantine brought me here
5:01 no way you just made that joke lmfao!
Which one is better for farming gold? Horde or allience?
it is nice that you go into detail over the races but it would be nice if you went over the classes as well.
Jeez, pump up the volume, dude
thanks subscribed
Bro. videos are LIt get back in here for TBC. Just subscribed.
Easily the best beginners series for classic wow.
Not one to talk bad about retail because I do play it but classic is way better in my opinion if you like RPG games. Mana management makes combat way more engaging. And I like killing mobs just to skin them because I know I can sell it for money I’ll actually need and people actually need my leather. Everything is meaningful in classic and it’s a great RPG experience
Just bought a gaming laptop to play with my Boyfriend after years of him asking me too.
Y’all should add me on discord: Leafy_Is_High#2327
nice bro
i send this to friends that dont play anymore to get them to play
Wait. BOUGHT the game? What is this BUYING he speaks of? I deleted my account & install when I unsubbed…I Have to BUY it now?
How to download this game? What pc can play this game.
I been searching for tutorials but this is the only one that makes it clear and enjoyable, the others one are or too boring or you already have to know some things before
Thanks mate