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BiS gear:
Resto Druid next please
Will there be a rogue guide soon?
TBC resto sham please!!
Great video
shadow priest plz
What about blood elf? Is it really that bad and not viable at all?
What do you think of the more niche feral disc in 2s?
I didnt see anything about spell pen
UD priest in tbc doesnt have devouring plague?
Where's this keybinding guide mention in video?
Still waiting for resto shaman! No love for us!! : (
Pls do Hunter!
Ppl wanting To play this lame grind while arguing about the retail grind who s 10 times faster
I've seen top players mix the disc and shadow pvp sets for two of the two set bonuses
Retail is so dead all skillcapped makes now are TBC videos. Yikes.
Hey, why there are no pro frost dk and no destro warlock guides on the website? 😢
So are you basically trolling if you choose human lol?
God I love this voice it always tells me something I didn't know so efficiently
Insane amount of Karazhan needed so.
This Guides' Build in WowHead:
Wow, great guide.
Fuck a classic Andy guide make a real one for retail when there's actually skill involved
Are there Druid TBC guides and macros at skillcapped?
Disc or holy for instance leveling? Also got a sheet of talent spec on the winner :D?
Hope to see full time tbc coverage. I don't have any interest in retail, but I'd love to see more tbc content.
Will there be a video for resto druid aswell?
time stamps????
What would be a good rotation for PvE disc priests in TBC? Planning on leveling my priest up in the future and try disc. Want to try something new then leveling as shadow
why is disc priest using dreadweave cuffs instead of mooncloth? reasoning?
10:13 wrong
really well made video
Aldors or Scryers?
The normie spastic music is too annoying. Leave that to football compilations.
Requesting Ele sham pvp video.
Thx bro)