Von Lethamyr

46 Gedanken zu „ARSENAL.mp4“
  1. fyi brother, those bleeps are picked up by youtube in the same way that the actual words are
    been that way for a few years now
    either kill his audio during the word or let it ride, theyve alr said that fuck used past the first 30 secs of the vidya dont demonetize

    but those bleeps aint it, terrible to watch with them in plus not actually helping ur cause any

  2. I wish the ads that are not like the gameplay at all, actually full commit shooting down the barrels and get everything and just destroys the fake levels of gameplay with a W. That would be a more interesting ad to me.

  3. Ive got an idea, there a cylinder around the ball that is infinitely tall and both up and down that you have to stay within otherwise you get demo'ed. You respawn in the cylinder on the ground. Maybe you just cant be far away for more than like 3 seconds.

  4. Because of Leth, I started playing Dark and Darker, since he kept mentionning it in his videos (and after I saw some gameplay on his second channel). I am absolute trash though, but I've seen a little bit of improvment in the first 5 days. PvP is absolute madness though, especially when you meet mostly geared players in solo, and you're with the default equipment hehe
    I need more of this game on your second channel, please. Especially with that wipe thing that just happened (I was so clueless about what that was ^_^ ). Cheers! Teach me the ways!! 😛

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