38 Gedanken zu „Are Twitch streamers TROLLING You?“
  1. Its so funny seeing people complain about disc and then point to damage done values on details or in game scoreboard without actually looking at how much of that was inconsequential padding from PTW and CReflection ticks and void shift.

  2. It’s your own fault if you actually base your play style off what others say. When advice is given to you or tips in general use them for what they are and don’t just build yourself around words. That’s the biggest problem I’ve personally noticed.

  3. Could you maybe do more guides for players below 2k, I hardly play compared to other expansions. I don’t have them time to sit in 30 min queue for 1 game just to get zugged by melee. Feels impossible to climb below 1800. Games seem so different at lower rating and I follow the tips from guides but hardly helping

  4. This may seem really counterintuitive, but for people struggling with tunnel vision and locking down on a single enemy health bar- try turning healthbars off. Have only names showing. It will force you to look at your SArena frames and your target/focus plates to see what is happening. Also it helps you to start noticing what certain ability animations look and sound like, so you can more easily identify when an opponent is using a CD. It does help to unlearn some bad habits when trying to become a better arena player

  5. LoL and any moba besides maybe hots is a TERRIBLE comparison. When you outplay your opponents in LoL or dota 2 you have 10 times the impact of a player. You can triple kills and you can dps 3 times as much as snowball even more this is clearly enough room for your team even if they are below average on a bad day to overcome their inneficiency (assuming it is like 10-20% worse and not a player afking so has 0 impact). In WoW you get marginal gains by outplaying, 2 succesful interrupts might be a 2% decrease in your enemies output, even interrupting a cc might just be a 5-7%, doing your own dps better might be another 5-10% difference to an average player. There is clearly less room to carry rating other than through sheer volume of thousands of games to average things out and that consistent 5-10% increase can be a deciding factor. Massively outplaying your opponents in lower leagues will give you a near 100% win. This comes from a 2.4 rss player who hasn't played moba for 8 years. In my opinion this is clearly the reason why rSS and even hots to a certain extend will always be less fun to play than the other solo queue games…your performance does not have enough potential to impact the game so severely.
    TLDR; Moba is terrible comparison, the perfect play in WoW does not impact the outcome so much compared to the average play WoW as much as comparing a simillar thing in mobas (What difference is the outcome of the game from the perfect play to the average play).

  6. Would love to see this for healer. Going 3-3 most lobbies feels awful when you have a dps that goes 6-0 and another that goes 0-6

    Sidebar: what others have said, being hard stuck at 1600 isn’t fun and these “2.1k” players are fun to watch but I have a suspicion that most of your viewer base is well below this rating bracket.


    A 2900xp washed up R1 warlock riding the struggle bus on heals in shuffle.

  7. your voice, tone, and style is condescending unnecesarily. If people fall into casual play patterns, that means they have a superior lifestyle to Skill Capped Wow Guides admins and should be applauded. The snarky tone is cringe.

  8. Btw Demi what lucky person to have "free" coaching is assume xd

    Anyway awesome video. Thats prob the best explained guide you´ve done so far. If i should ever play any wizard or any dps i will 100% renember this and apply to my gameplay. Tho Sadly im a main healer. Please make one for healers pov <3 Not sure how the healers pov guide would look like but i guess explaing how to rotate your defens as prevoker for example

  9. Wish I saw this before my final push for Legend, spent 8 hours straight going 27/100 to 100/100 Legend and probably never did the sub-optimal target attack. Might have been easier to have just hit the wrong target with my team mate – especially with the silent ones who won't call or follow a kill target in the opening room.

  10. I gave this video a dislike for being TOXIC!!! The way you said that about ROGUES is incredibly bad for the game, I don't main Rogue but when people that do not understand the game hear someone like you say that they just assume that rogues are op and don't learn to get better. Everyone is sick to death of people trying to destroy the game with these BS comments. Yeah AWC had a bunch of rogues, most because that is what those pro's that signed up to play main? Doesn't mean anything. Every single comp and build has counters and all can last and win if they play the character correct. After that comment I won't be using this service again. The community is already low, when use say this stuff it destroys our arena experience. I know you only care about getting players money but we like this game. Go back to fortnite dude

  11. Personally, I like it when you agree on a target at the beginning of a round, and then Timmy decides to go on someone completely different. Guess I'll have to use the targeting friendlies method.

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