6 Gedanken zu „Alpha 2 Player Count, Cinematic Trailer Details and MUCH MORE! | Ashes of Creation Livestream Recap“
  1. Seeing how they're planning these videos out why do eight-person content with four people? All it does is two things makes your group fail due to having improper numbers to do the content WITHOUT cheating ….. or makes your content look weak if you DON'T need to cheat to do it underpowered. About the world boss in the open areas scaling it's strategy to ramp up if more people are around ….. doesn't this mean a group of people could grief another group by being close but not engaging (or doing minimal, non aggro damage) the boss? And just laughing their asses off at them failing to kill a boss that thinks it's fighting twice as many people that it really is, and thus being in "powered up" mode? Maybe I misunderstood that part.

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