16 Gedanken zu „Age of Empires IV – Content Editor Beta Map Demo“
  1. Hey, I want my money back. I bought this game for fun, not to see all players playing English/France only in ranked matches. Playing with Rus even with more villagers and military, they lose, military units are expensive and don’t stand up in battle, the nation is ridiculously nerfed due to the actual war going on. Give my money back please.

  2. this was pretty useless. how can I make a river that turns to a lake and then reach the sea? if I do it with the pixel editor they are generated at different levels. how can I edit elevation? how to do things manually? literally how to do anything besides place units? Age 2 editor was so much more intuitive

  3. Can you create a scenario map that will only take place in the castle age? It will not pass into the 4th age, that is, it will pass in an age without firearms. I mean, or like in the official scenarios that can't be passed to the 4th age. I don't know can I explain? (I don't want the 4th age, in short, no one can pass (Like campaign game, everyone can pass to the feudal age at most, or to the castle age, but never to the imperial age, let it be limited or closed..) )

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