24 Gedanken zu „World Of Warcraft Gold Farm – THIS METHOD WILL BE PATCHED“
  1. King Kunta your the 1st gold farmer that dose not have Draenor flying. Spend a day getting it. Just think if you had it before making this video. You maybe have cut the time of this video down by 1/2. Real Farmers get every thing that can make the job easier. Even the pain in the ass getting Draenor flying is.

  2. I think if you tighten up your videos more… if you want to make them long, try to get to the main part sooner. Also, do some tests first and then voice over them so you don't have errors while you're filming.

  3. Don't listen to the negative and somewhat rude comments… I think you're doing a great job. Thanks for this idea! I have loads of toons who haven't done much in WoD, and it sells nicely on my server. Peace and have a great summer!

  4. Good video. I actually like that you did it without Draenor flying as there are many new to the game, or just returning after a few years like me, who don't have it and it's NOT just one day to get. Easy farm for something that's worth a few k; what's not to like?!

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